RxSwiftCommunity / RxViewModel

ReactiveViewModel-esque using RxSwift

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Update CI Settings

esttorhe opened this issue · comments

From #10

Either fix the settings on CircleCI or transition to TravisCI if CircleCI is no longer an option.

@ashfurrow I found this on their website; under «pricing plan» for this org.

Builds will run in a single container.

1 container is free, forever.

Additionally, projects that are public on GitHub will build with 3 extra containers -- our gift to free and open source software

Super! That's a relief 😅

@esttorhe that's enabled now (go chat-ops!) I can totally admin circle on my phone! We have a per org setting that I just enabled.

— Marc O'Morain (@atmarc) November 19, 2015
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This is fixed now; closing it.