RustCrypto / signatures

Cryptographic signature algorithms: DSA, ECDSA, Ed25519

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Missing signatures

newpavlov opened this issue · comments

  • Dilithium
  • DSA
    • NIST P-256 (via p256)
    • NIST P-384 (via p384)
    • NIST P-521
    • secp256k1 (via k256)
  • Ed25519
  • Ed448

DSA - Requested here: rpgp/rpgp#56

Is DSA not implemented yet? I can try to add.

Nobody's working on DSA. You can go for it. Edit: implemented!

It might be good to come up with a plan for how it would be implemented (e.g. what crate dependencies would be used, for example), and ideally try to align with on some of those decisions

GOST digital signature alsorithm is missing. However additional care should be taken while implementing it. The standard is clueless with respect to endianness of the used numbers. The implementation should follow the established practice, rather than blindly following the standard.


During build automata with rust nightly:

Compiling ed25519 v1.3.0 (
error[E0405]: cannot find trait Signature in crate signature
--> /home/ami/.cargo/git/checkouts/signatures-a6df6df1cc32e789/8282fca/ed25519/src/
349 | impl signature::Signature for Signature {
| ^^^^^^^^^ not found in signature

For more information about this error, try rustc --explain E0405.
error: could not compile ed25519 (lib) due to previous error
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...

nightly is expected to break in ways that have nothing to do with our crates, nor can we do anything to fix them