RudjiGames / MTuner

MTuner is a C/C++ memory profiler and memory leak finder for Windows, PlayStation 4 and 3, Android and other platforms

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Unable to build in macOS

PabloPicose opened this issue · comments

Hi! Im unable to compile from source using the "build" genie system on macOS, I follow your tutorial .
I use this command to generate the solution
genie --gcc=osx gmake
I tested passin xcode11 as argument and I get the same result.
qtprebuild.lua:180: error: MOC Failed to generate /Users/******/Documents/repo/rqt/src/../.qt/qt_moc/rqt_widget_categorized_list_moc.cpp lua "/Users/******/Documents/repo/build/qtprebuild.lua" -moc "/Users/******/Documents/repo/rqt/inc/rqt_widget_assert.h" "/Users/*******/Qt/6.3.0/macos/" "rqt" "../../inc/rqt_widget_assert.h"
../../../../../rqt/src/rqt_pch.h:17:10: fatal error: 'QtCore/QByteArray' file not found

Maybe Im missing something?

I've built is on OSX long time ago, you can refer to .travis.yml. But MTuner does not support OSX now and would require work- I have no plans to do this but I welcome contrbutions.