RubieV /

the website

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is the source for the site. This site is created using the static site generator Hugo and published to this repo's gh-pages branch. The DNS then points to a specific GitHub address using a CNAME record, more info in GitHub's documentation. However, if you want to work on the site you just need clone this repo and follow the instructions below.

Writing content

  1. Clone this repo

     $ git clone
  2. Download Hugo from or install using Homebrew:

     $ brew install hugo
  3. Run hugo in watch mode and start adding content under the content/ tree

     $ hugo server --watch

    The site is server under localhost:1313

  4. Publishing is done through Travis-CI. Any commit to master branch will result in gh-pages update.

Updating Vamp docs

When working on the docs, please use the following conventions and stick to the style guide:

File names

Use all lowercase, no special characters and connect words using - characters, i.e: All files that are used in the site are under the content folder.

Front matter

Our static site generator Hugo requires front matter to be set at the start of a page. This links the page to correct category, gives it its html title and determines the order of the pages from top to bottom. We use the YAML notation for this, i.e:

title: Breeds
weight: 20
    parent: reference

Style guide

Use links, like this one to YAML.

To alert people to stuff, or show exceptions or other things that deviate from the ordinary use the standard blockquote:

> my important message

Some Yaml code, pretty printed with the following classes ````yaml`

## Unique designator (name) consist of group, artifact and version.
group: magneticio
artifact: mysql
version: 5.5

# Traits (parameters) of the breed (input/output).
    ## Name of the trait.
    name: port
    value: 3306
    type: PORT
    ## IN, OUT
    direction: OUT
    name: password
    type: VARIABLE
    direction: IN
    ## Alias is the trait name expected by the breed.
    ## This is very common if we deal with 3rd party breed.
    ## In this example with an existing docker image
    ## from public Docker repository.
    alias: MYSQL_PASS

If you don't want any code highlighting, just use ````` tags without any extra classes.

$ java -version
$ java -DMem=20001 -jar ../mesk/havav-war

You can also add a copy-to-clipboard button when you have some code people will need to copy & paste. This is handy in tutorials and examples. Just wrap a standard ````` tag with {{bla% copyable %}} short codes. Of course, leave out the "bla":

{{% copyable %}}

java --version

{{% /copyable %}}

We have some straight inline code like this


Blueprints are execution plans - they describe how you system should look like at the runtime. All dependency availability and parameter values will be resolved at the deployment time.

{{% copyable %}}

group: vamp
artifact: wordpress_stackable
version: 1

## Gates between the blueprint and the rest of the world.
## Could be specified by URI, for example: vamp://<custom>
## $PORT is shortened for default vamp assigned IO port.
  demo.port: $PORT
## Setting up all environment variables (all traits: ports, volumes etc.)
  ## In general value can be provided by URI, with predefined or 
  ## custom resolver implementation: vamp://<custom>
  db.password: secret


  # Application/services.
    breed: tutum:wordpress-stackable:latest
    ## Available 'space' for the service: 
    ## cpu & memory per instance and total number of deployed instances.
    ## Could be specified by URI, for example: vamp://computing/large
    ## Based on the schema, system will resolved the actual 
    ## niche at deployment time.
      cpu: 1
      memory: 1024
      instances: 2

  ## Database.
    breed: tutum:mysql:5.5

      cpu: 1
      memory: 1024
      instances: 1

{{% /copyable %}}


You reference the image using the following code in your markdown file: ![](/img/scaling_poc.png). The actual file should be in the /static/img/ directory.

And here is some Json:

        "key" : "value",
        "key1" : 132

Here is some Scala code

package io.magnetic.vamp_core.rest_api

import io.magnetic.vamp_core.model.Artifact
import io.magnetic.vamp_core.rest_api.notification.{InconsistentResourceName, RestApiNotificationProvider}
import io.magnetic.vamp_core.rest_api.util.ExecutionContextProvider

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.Future

trait ResourceStoreProvider {

  val resourceStore: ResourceStore

  trait ResourceStore {

    def all: Future[List[Artifact]]

    def find(name: String): Future[Option[Artifact]]

    def create(resource: Artifact): Future[Option[Artifact]]

    def update(name: String, resource: Artifact): Future[Option[Artifact]]

    def delete(name: String): Future[Option[Artifact]]


trait InMemoryResourceStoreProvider extends ResourceStoreProvider with RestApiNotificationProvider {
  this: ExecutionContextProvider =>

  val resourceStore: ResourceStore = new InMemoryResourceStore()

  private class InMemoryResourceStore extends ResourceStore {

    val store: mutable.Map[String, Artifact] = new mutable.HashMap()

    def all: Future[List[Artifact]] = Future {

    def find(name: String): Future[Option[Artifact]] = Future {

    def create(resource: Artifact): Future[Option[Artifact]] = Future {
      store.put(, resource)

    def update(name: String, resource: Artifact): Future[Option[Artifact]] = Future {
      if (name !=

      store.put(, resource)

    def delete(name: String): Future[Option[Artifact]] = Future {



the website


Language:CSS 85.3%Language:HTML 14.0%Language:JavaScript 0.6%