RoelVB / ChromeKeePass

Chrome extensions for automatically filling credentials from KeePass/KeeWeb

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Stuck at "Getting status..." - Problem

nGgit11 opened this issue · comments

Tested March 11, 2022 - Stuck at "Getting status..." problem

ChromeKeePass Version : 1.4.3
KeePass version: 2.50
keepasshttp - []
CentBrowser Portable: Chromium 86.0.4240.198
Google Chrome Version 98.0.4758.82
OS: Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC

I did some basic troubleshooting;

  • Enable & disable, install & uninstall the extension - not working
  • Cleaning up all the folders associated with KeePass then uninstall then re-install again but still not working.
  • Uninstall & Install Chrome - still not working

here's a short screen recording:


Which version of ChromeKeePass are you using?
This is a known issue with 1.4.2, should be solved with 1.4.3

Which version of ChromeKeePass are you using?

This one
Version : 1.4.3


Interesting, thank you for the report. Unfortunately I don't have time to look into this right now.
Hopefully this evening (in about 10 hours). If not, I will look into this the coming weekend

Interesting, thank you for the report. Unfortunately I don't have time to look into this right now. Hopefully this evening (in about 10 hours). If not, I will look into this the coming weekend

Thank you also, I hope you can look into this further, If you need more information, please let me know.

Uninstalled 1.4.2, installed 1.4.3. but I have the same issue, i.e. still encounter Status: Getting status...


I've just created and submitted 1.4.4 to the stores.
Please let me know if this resolves your issue.

I feel like such an amateur. I had some spare time I thought I could do a quick fix for #69
But did this without enough focus, made some stupid mistakes and failed to properly test the changes 😥

I really want to create some automated tests, but I'm not sure about the best approach for automating KeePass.

No worries, don't feel bad about yourself, what you feel is okay & normal. there's always a room for improvement. Thank you for taking the time in resolving this. Please know that you have been really helpful to us.