RocketChat / EmbeddedChat

An easy to use full-stack component (ReactJS) embedding Rocket.Chat into your webapp

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User Mention fixes

umangutkarsh opened this issue · comments


The mention user functionality is not working properly.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Mention any user in chat-input
  2. The members of channel are not displayed.
  3. The member-list panel isn't closed when message is sent.

Issues to address:

  • The members of channel should be displayed in MembersList when mentioning users
  • Member list panel should be closed when message is sent.
  • 'all' and 'here' mention options should be there to mention all users of channel and all online users of channel respectively.
  • UI fixes
  • The mention user suggestion panel is not closed when invalid user-name is entered as is closed in rocket chat.

Expected behavior:

The mention user functionality should work properly.

Actual behavior:


Hi, I started to work on this issue when mentioned in issue #457 .
But since it is not a minor issue, I've opened a separate issue for this one
