Robinterra / LemonMarkets

C# Library to accecss the lemon markets REST API

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There's no way to paginate through Instruments

Judgeja opened this issue · comments

I think InstrumentSearchFilter needs to be able to take a page?

Oh Sorry, i dont get a Message for the issues.
Youre right. On the begin i dont needed Pages, so i dont added them to the filter. I will add them today.

Great thanks :), also I had to fork the project because Account.Tax_allowance should be a nullable int. I'd make a pull request but it's a 1 character change and had already forked. I was getting exceptions trying to get my account balance; I only have a paper account at the moment so I guess that's why it's null for me!

  • I allowed now nullable on Tax_allowance.
  • And i implemented pagination on two ways
  1. First IAsyncEnumarble
    the LemonResults inhertance now from IAsyncEnumarble. So it call automaticly NextPageAsync method in the result object
#region getInstruments

InstrumentSearchFilter searchFilter = new(mic: "XMUN");

LemonResults<Instrument> resultInstruments = await lemonApi.Instruments.GetAsync(searchFilter);

// Sollte bei vom HttpClient oder beim Deserialiseren eine exception hochkommen gebe ich die Exception über das Result Objekt zurück
if (resultInstruments.Exception is not null)
    await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync($"Leider ist eine Exception aufgetreten: {resultInstruments.Exception}");

    return 2;

// Sollte IsSuccess nicht true sein, dann konnte keine Instruments abgerufen werden.
if (!resultInstruments.IsSuccess || resultInstruments.Results is null)
    await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync($"Instruments konnten nicht abgerufen werden. HttpCode: '{resultInstruments.HttpCode}', Status: '{resultInstruments.Status}', ErrorCode: '{resultInstruments.Error_code}', ErrorMessage: '{resultInstruments.Error_message}'.");

    return 3;

Console.WriteLine($"Die Instruments konnten abgerufen werden");

int count = 0;
await foreach (Instrument instrument in resultInstruments)
    Console.WriteLine($"Isin: {instrument.ISIN}, Name: {instrument.Name}");

Console.WriteLine($"Es wurden {count} Instruments geladen");

#endregion getInstruments
  1. I add two Methods to the Result Object,
    public Task<LemonResults<T>> NextPageAsync()
    public Task<LemonResults<T>> PreviousPage()
    before you call NextPageAsync check please HasNextPages before.

Thanks, you help me with your feedback :)