RobinPerris / DarkUI

Dark themed control and docking library for .NET WinForms.

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New Control : DarkDataGridView

ohhsodead opened this issue · comments

Hi again!

Good work on your update, everything seems to function perfectly for me. Although, a dark dgv control is missing but is included in the forks I'm using. It's used heavily in my project so will have issues. Is there a chance you'd consider implementing this too?



Can you link me to the fork? I'll take a look

So, I can't find the fork anywhere. I think it has been removed from github, or wherever. I could create a repo with this project if you like, or can upload elsewhere (dropbox) to be downloaded for yourself.


If you've got a local copy then pushing it to GitHub will allow me to take a look. If it's just a couple of files a gist would be fine too

I've uploaded the project to a repo here for you.

hi,@RobinPerris @ohhsodead, thanks for your contributions, it's a great work.
i have one question: could the gdv module be included in the dockcontent? i tried, but failed, could you help me figure out the problem?i am a novice。
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@biotech7 Hello! I don't think this version of the project includes the dgv control, so I doubt @RobinPerris will know for sure.

Hi,@ohhsodead, i have added it manually, but not fully tested. thanks for your sharing.


I realise it's been a while since this was posted, but I downloaded and played with this control a bit. What has been done so far is impressive, however there are some pretty big holes in the implementation that I'd need to fill before I'd be comfortable publishing this as part of the main DarkUI library.

Due to the fact I no longer use DarkUI for my own projects, I wouldn't have the time to maintain this control nor deal with any issues people raise when attempting to use it (as highlighted by Biotech's issue above).

If you're comfortable continuing to use that fork locally then that's fine. If you'd prefer to have it in a NuGet package I'd recommend packaging it up as a stand-alone extension and publishing it yourself. Something like DarkUI.DataGridView or the like.

Thanks for fishing it out and sharing the repo though, it's appreciated.