Ringrev / facebook-api-rs

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Use Self instead of hard coded url

arn-the-long-beard opened this issue Β· comments

let base_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/v11.0/";

Hello πŸ˜„

In this method we do use :

  pub async fn account_id(self) -> seed::fetch::Result<InstaAccount> {
        let base_url = self.base_url.replace("EDGE", "?");
        let url = base_url
            + "fields=instagram_business_account"
            + "&access_token="
            + &self.page_access_token;

        let request = Request::new(url).method(Method::Get);

We do use the self.base_url , but it is hard coded in this one.

 pub async fn account_details(self) -> seed::fetch::Result<InstagramAccount> {
        let base_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/v11.0/";

         let self_data = self.clone();

       let result =  self.account_id().await;
        if result.is_ok(){
            let instagram_id = result.unwrap();
            let mut url = base_url.to_owned()
                + &instagram_id.instagram_business_account.id.as_str();

            // added required filed needed
            let mut fields_count = Fields::default().fields.len();
             let mut url_fields = "".to_string();
            for (count, field) in Fields::default().fields.into_iter().enumerate() {
                if count < fields_count - 1 {
                    url_fields = url_fields+ &field + ",";
                } else {
                    url_fields= url_fields+ &field; // remove the comma in the last filed
            url_fields = String::from(encode(url_fields.as_str()));

             let mut request_url = url
                 + "?fields="
                + "&access_token="
                + &self_data.page_access_token;

            let request = Request::new(request_url).method(Method::Get);

        }else {
            let err = JsValue::from_str("The first get request call to fetch the instagram id was not successful,\
             therefore the request to get instagram account failed. Try making the request again.");
            Err(FetchError::RequestError(err)) // try to generate a customer
            // error

Also the format of the code needs to be improved.

Is there a particular reason for this ? πŸ˜„

We forgot about this one. The code is not formatted neither.