Rikj000 / MoniGoMani

Isn't that what we all want? Our money to go many? Well that's what this framework/strategy hopes to do for you! By giving you & HyperOpt a lot of signals to alter the weights from.

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❓ How to install `mgm-hurry` / Installation issues

anakein opened this issue · comments

i tried install 9 times diferent SO, manual, automatic, pufff.
great project but dont run. i dont undertand.
I think good document for INSTALL is necesary, and later usage.

good luck

Yush mgm-hurry is a good option. How did you try installing it though?

Here's the documentation for how to do it & how to use it:

Also please provide your error (stacktrace) if the process described there would fail.
However I do admit that I need to make work of re-writing large sections of the documentation because they are becoming outdated, but the Docs-MGM-Hurrysection is still quite up-to-date.

yes. and starting with:

/dev/fd/63: 173: [: 0: unexpected operator

-e 🚦 Requirements check
-e ======================

-e ✅ Python3 is installed.
-e ✅ Pip3 is installed.
/dev/fd/63: 203: [: "Ubuntu": unexpected operator

I have installed freqtrade yet in other directory.
and python env deactivate

/dev/fd/63: 173: [: 0: unexpected operator

Did you read the note for Ubuntu? You need to reconfigure your shell so it will actually use bash

this is only first problem.

Successfully installed freqtrade-develop
pip install completed

Please use 'freqtrade new-config -c config.json' to generate a new configuration file.

Run the bot !

You can now use the bot by executing 'source .env/bin/activate; freqtrade '.
You can see the list of available bot sub-commands by executing 'source .env/bin/activate; freqtrade --help'.
You verify that freqtrade is installed successfully by running 'source .env/bin/activate; freqtrade --version'.
/bin/sh: 1: source: not found
/bin/sh: 1: freqtrade: not found
INFO - ✔ Successfully installed FreqUI!
✔ Freqtrade setup completed!
INFO - 🍺 Freqtrade has been installed. You can now proceed to install MoniGoMani. (Hint: mgm-hurry install_mgm)
INFO - 💨 💨 💨
👉 Install MoniGoMani
💨 💨 💨
🤷 No "mgm-config.json" file found.
WARNING - 🤷 No "mgm-config.json" file found.
✔ 👉 Clone MoniGoMani repository on the latest commit
⠼ 👉 Copy MoniGoMani to the monigomani folder in the target directory and symbolic linking filesCRITICAL - [('/tmp/tmpy2xk22m4/.git/objects/pack/pack-d3410d92f7b583b5667d1933c97495a91d15a8cc.pack', '/home/anakein/Mgm/freqtrade-mgm/monigomani/.git/objects/pack/pack-d3410d92f7b583b5667d1933c97495a91d15a8cc.pack', "[Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/anakein/Mgm/freqtrade-mgm/monigomani/.git/objects/pack/pack-d3410d92f7b583b5667d1933c97495a91d15a8cc.pack'"), ('/tmp/tmpy2xk22m4/.git/objects/pack/pack-d3410d92f7b583b5667d1933c97495a91d15a8cc.idx', '/home/anakein/Mgm/freqtrade-mgm/monigomani/.git/objects/pack/pack-d3410d92f7b583b5667d1933c97495a91d15a8cc.idx', "[Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/anakein/Mgm/freqtrade-mgm/monigomani/.git/objects/pack/pack-d3410d92f7b583b5667d1933c97495a91d15a8cc.idx'")]
😕 MoniGoMani installation failed

/bin/sh: 1: source: not found
/bin/sh: 1: freqtrade: not found

Please re-configure your shell to use bash as I mentioned in my previous post, this error usually means that didn't happen yet on Ubuntu installations. I assume your OS is Ubuntu, right?

I also noticed "Permission denied" errors
Please check directory permissions. It should be writable by the current user

It would be easier for us to help if you list your environment setup (OS, version) and the steps you took.

i tried, thanks.
because i want to help, i have some ideas, for example, remote and shared hyperopt.

thanks again.

because i want to help, i have some ideas, for example, remote and shared hyperopt.

Remote HO might be implemented in the far future (simply way too much other work left to be done for now).
But atm we need to know your OS to help you out further.

im installing again with bash and premissions changed.

im waiting.

Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
Release: 20.04
Codename: focal

permision problem. installed but.... jeje
INFO - Using indicator startup period: 400 ...
INFO - NumExpr defaulting to 6 threads.
INFO - Loading data from 2021-05-30 14:40:00 up to 2021-09-11 00:00:00 (103 days).
INFO - Dataload complete. Calculating indicators
INFO - Hyperopting with data from 2021-06-01 00:00:00 up to 2021-09-11 00:00:00 (102 days)..
INFO - Found 6 CPU cores. Let's make them scream!
INFO - Number of parallel jobs set as: -1
INFO - Effective number of parallel workers used: 6
ERROR - Fatal exception!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/anakein/Mgm/freqtrade-mgm/freqtrade/main.py", line 37, in main
return_code = args'func'
File "/home/anakein/Mgm/freqtrade-mgm/freqtrade/commands/optimize_commands.py", line 87, in start_hyperopt
File "/home/anakein/Mgm/freqtrade-mgm/freqtrade/optimize/hyperopt.py", line 455, in start
f_val = self.run_optimizer_parallel(parallel, asked, i)
File "/home/anakein/Mgm/freqtrade-mgm/freqtrade/optimize/hyperopt.py", line 368, in run_optimizer_parallel
return parallel(delayed(
File "/home/anakein/Mgm/freqtrade-mgm/.env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/joblib/parallel.py", line 1054, in call
File "/home/anakein/Mgm/freqtrade-mgm/.env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/joblib/parallel.py", line 933, in retrieve
File "/home/anakein/Mgm/freqtrade-mgm/.env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/joblib/_parallel_backends.py", line 542, in wrap_future_result
return future.result(timeout=timeout)
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/concurrent/futures/_base.py", line 444, in result
return self.__get_result()
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/concurrent/futures/_base.py", line 389, in __get_result
raise self._exception
joblib.externals.loky.process_executor.TerminatedWorkerError: A worker process managed by the executor was unexpectedly terminated. This could be caused by a segmentation fault while calling the function or by an excessive memory usage causing the Operating System to kill the worker.

Hmmm, try with --jobs=1.
Also how much RAM has your system?
And please don't do anything else that would take up a lot of system resources when running a HO.

I'm making hyperopt in freqtrade standar with 4 processors and 4 gb
last test: 8 processors and 8 gb crash computer.

look open process. with --jobs=1
are there too much open process?

look open process. with --jobs=1
are there too much open process?

I think the correct syntax for --jobs is "--jobs 1", could u try

I think the correct syntax for --jobs is "--jobs 1", could u try

With mgm-hurry you should be able to use either --jobs=1 or --jobs 1 😉

@anakein This is very strange though, I've never seen these issues before on an installation 🤔
What if you try to HO without mgm-hurry? (So we can better locate where the issue resides)

Use this command to test: source ./.env/bin/activate; freqtrade hyperopt

I have also had problems installing MGM on Ubuntu since my last re-install. But I have been half-assing through the process so I always thought I wasn't paying attention to the docs properly (and therefore no questions about it :P ). I am ready to believe there is some kind of problem though. (I have done the bash thing). So I'll make another try tonight or tomorrow and keep notes about the process

@NecroJogn I recently successfully installed mgm-hurry on a Ubuntu WSL though + Others also already successfully installed on their native Ubuntu rigs.

Those where clean installations though because back then the update process wasn't working yet.
Perhaps Ubuntu needs some more specific stuff for updating.

However that does not explain why freqtrade got installed, is running and then crashes at the start of the HO (which @anakein currently is suffering from)

ok, i have information yet.
we need 2gb for each job.
with 6gb you need to put --jobs=3
with 8gb you can to put --jobs=4
for older computer or raspberry --jobs=1

we need 2gb for each job.

This is incorrect, I often run 12 parallel jobs on a 16Gb machine with only about 8-10Gb of RAM in use.

Things that increase RAM usage:

  • More pairs in your static pairlist
  • More parallel jobs
  • Longer timeranges being HyperOpted

Where the static pairlist will influence the RAM usage the most

we need 2gb for each job.

This is incorrect, I often run 12 parallel jobs on a 16Gb machine with only about 8-10Gb of RAM in use.

Things that increase RAM usage:

* More pairs in your static pairlist

* More parallel jobs

* Longer timeranges being HyperOpted

Where the static pairlist will influence the RAM usage the most

It is not an exact number, it is an estimate.
in any case it is not a problem yours is a problem of hyperopt of freqtrade.