RiiConnect24 / File-Maker

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The city of Cuenca does not appear on the weather channel

jmcspain opened this issue · comments

Short Description of Issue

The city of Cuenca does not appear on the weather channel

Long Issue

The city of Cuenca does not appear on the weather channel.

Spain --> Castile-La Mancha --> Cuenca

See in map: https://www.qwant.com/maps/place/admin:osm:relation:344096@Cuenca

Lat: 40.1777127
Long: -2.2403137

Steps to Reproduce

  • Open "Weather channel".
  • Search "Cuenca".
  • Does not appear on the map.


Thanks for making the issue. I checked the code and it doesn't look like Cuenca is in the list of cities for Spain. Is it a major city?

According to Wikipedia, it had a population of 54,898 people in 2018
Not sure it really counts as "major"

Some cities were removed from the News Channel and Forecast Channel to reduce load times.

None were removed deliberately - although it's true there is a limit to how much you can reasonably have

It is more accurate to say "was never present"