Rightpoint / RZTransitions

A library of custom iOS View Controller Animations and Interactions.

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RZCirclePushAnimationController dismiss background Black,so bad UE Experience

wujiangwei opened this issue · comments

When set default Present VC
user RZCirclePushAnimationController
While enter vc,good circle looking
When leave,after the circle animation,is black,bad looking
While animation finished,User be dazzled,so bad

can you fix this QA?
Very think!

Thanks for the issue report. Do you have sample code that shows the bug? Also, can you give a sample of what you're seeing (screen capture, movie, animated GIF, etc), to help me understand better?

Just You Sample on Git,Run the sample project,Enter main VC, Click [Present] Button,The enter the color VC,then click color VC,when close it:
While the animation not finished,Just like image after
[This is not a bug,Just not Greater]

I think I see what you mean. You'd like the area outside the circle to show the 'from view', not black. Right?

Yes,I think if not black,it will be greater!

Can you help refine this?

While this animation finished,User will be dazzled(full black to full white or other color)

@mr-fixit Can we close this issue? It looks like it was address with #42

Yes, sorry!