Ride-The-Lightning / c-lightning-REST

REST APIs for Core Lightning written with node.js

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Authentication troubleshooting

bleetube opened this issue · comments

My access.macaroon from cl-rest works for RTL, but I'm getting auth failure when I try to add lightningd to Zeus with the hex string, with or without base64. Any advice?

curl -H "macaroon:$(base64 access.macaroon)"
{"message":"Authentication Failed!","error":"Bad Macaroon!"}

curl -H "macaroon:$(xxd -ps -u -c 256 access.macaroon)"
{"message":"Authentication Failed!","error":"Bad Macaroon!"}

Finally found my way there:

curl -H "macaroon:$(base64 -w0 access.macaroon)"

I'm still confused why the HEX string authentication didn't work with curl, but don't really need it. The other thing I overlooked for way too long is that Zeus has a dropdown for selecting node type. I still had it on the default option and once I finally fixed that, the hex authentication started working. Few.

Base64 is default encoding type for macaroon authentication. To authenticate with HEX macaroon value, an additional header encodingtype is required:

curl -k -H "encodingtype:hex" -H "macaroon:$(xxd -ps -u -c 256 access.macaroon)"