RicoSuter / Namotion.Reflection

.NET library with advanced reflection APIs.

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Loading the assembly fails with PowerShell Core 7

InspiringCode opened this issue · comments

Whenever I try to call
Add-Type -Path "D:\Test\Namotion.Reflection.dll"
in a PowerShell session it fails with
Could not load file or assembly 'Namotion.Reflection, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c2f9c3bdfae56102'.

The loading of a big .NET Core Project even with Entity Framework Core succeeds. Just the Namation.Reflection assembly cannot be loaded. Do you have any ideas what the issue could be? Any special dependencies or such? Some ideas that I could try?

Strange, it works in the classic none-core powershell 5, but not in pwsh...

Ok, this is really strange. I tried to build & publish the lib myself, same error. When I just change the Version in the csproj to 1.0.11 instead of 1.0.12 it works perfectly. Changing it pack to 1.0.12 -> same error. What the hell????

Oooh. PowerShell 7.0.3 seems to also use Namotion.Reflection... At least on my machine there is a "C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\Namotion.Reflection.dll"... And it is version 1.0.11 :( Is there anything I can do about it?

PowerShell 7.0.3 seems to also use Namotion.Reflection

Its part of the ps core installation!?!