RicoSuter / Namotion.Reflection

.NET library with advanced reflection APIs.

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ContextualFieldInfo throws with generic types

ms0815user opened this issue · comments

I am using NJsonSchema (11.0.0) with Namotion.Reflection (3.1.1) and encountered a problem during schema generation. Below is a shorted example of my usecase.

public class Hashid
    protected long _id;


public sealed class Hashid<T> : Hashid
    where T : EntityBase

public Request
    public Hashid RegionId { get; set; } // works
    public Hashid<Domain.Entities.User> UserId { get; set; } // fails

During the schema generation and exploration of the Request the following exception is thrown:

System.InvalidOperationException: This operation is only valid on generic types.
   at System.RuntimeType.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
   at Namotion.Reflection.ContextualType.<get_Fields>b__36_0(FieldInfo field)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectArrayIterator`2.Fill(ReadOnlySpan`1 source, Span`1 destination, Func`2 func)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectArrayIterator`2.ToArray()
   at Namotion.Reflection.ContextualType.get_Fields()
   at NJsonSchema.NewtonsoftJson.Generation.NewtonsoftJsonReflectionService.GenerateProperties(JsonSchema schema, ContextualType contextualType, NewtonsoftJsonSchemaGeneratorSettings settings, JsonSchemaGenerator schemaGenerator, JsonSchemaResolver schemaResolver)

This happens because in the Fields property of the ContextualType class the TypeInfo is generic but the DeclaringType of the field is not.


This could be related to #139.

I currently resolved this issue for me by not having the Hashid<T> inherit from Hashid and copy part of the logic.