RickyParte / Employee-Backend

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tech Stack

  • Spring Boot
  • PostgreSQL

How to Run the Project

Using GitHub

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/RickyParte/Employee-Backend.git
  2. Create a database using pgAdmin or DBeaver with the name employee.

  3. Update the database configuration in the application.properties file:

  4. Run the project and check if it is working fine.

Using Deployed Server

  1. Access the deployed server at deployed_link.

  2. Test APIs using Postman or Swagger.

Using Zip

  1. Extract the folder and open it in your favorite IDE.

  2. Create a database using pgAdmin or DBeaver with the name employee.

  3. Update the database configuration in the application.properties file as mentioned above.

  4. Run the project and check if it is working fine.

API Documentation

Add Employee

  • Endpoint: POST /api/employee/add-employee
  • Request URL: localhost:8080/api/employee/add-employee
  • Request Body:
      "employeeName": "Ricky Parte Email",
      "phoneNumber": "892500075",
      "email": "rickydipakparte20243@gmail.com",
      "reportsTo": "c971cfd3-fa8a-4c58-93c7-1c93f5916e34",
      "profileImage": "null"
  • Response:
  • CURL
    curl --location 'localhost:8080/api/employee/add-employee' \
       --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
       --data-raw '{
          "employeeName": "Ricky Parte Email",
          "phoneNumber": "892500075",
          "email": "rickydipakparte20243@gmail.com",
          "reportsTo": "c971cfd3-fa8a-4c58-93c7-1c93f5916e34",
          "profileImage": "null"

Get All Employees

  • Endpoint: GET /api/employee/get-employees
  • Request URL: localhost:8080/api/employee/get-employees
  • Response:
    • CURL
       curl --location 'localhost:8080/api/employee/get-employees'

Delete Employee By ID

  • Endpoint: POST /api/employee/delete-employee-by-id
  • Request URL: localhost:8080/api/employee/delete-employee-by-id
  • Request Header: employeeId -> value of employeeId
  • Response:
  • CURL
    curl --location --request POST 'localhost:8080/api/employee/delete-employee-by-id' \
     --header 'employeeId: 9bafd606-732e-4076-8c34-c5e5e632b07f'

Update Employee

  • Endpoint: POST /api/employee/update-employee/{employeeId}
  • Request URL: localhost:8080/api/employee/update-employee/{employeeId}
  • Request Body:
      "employeeName": "Ricky Parte Work",
      "phoneNumber": "4568536948",
      "email": "fs19if043@gmail.com",
      "reportsTo": "null",
      "profileImage": "null"
  • Response:
  • CURL
      curl --location 'localhost:8080/api/employee/update-employee/f9be16f7-00f3-48f9-b255-b867193cac23' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data-raw '{
     "employeeName": "Ricky Parte Work",
     "phoneNumber": "4568536948",
     "email": "fs19if043@gmail.com",
     "reportsTo": "null",
     "profileImage": "null"

Get Nth Manager

  • Endpoint: POST /api/employee/get-nth-manager
  • Request URL: localhost:8080/api/employee/get-nth-manager
  • Request Header:
    • employeeId -> value of employeeId
    • managerLevel -> value of level
  • Response:
  • CURL
    curl --location --request POST 'localhost:8080/api/employee/get-nth-manager' \
     --header 'employeeId: c971cfd3-fa8a-4c58-93c7-1c93f5916e34' \
     --header 'managerLevel: 4' \
     --data ''

Get Employee With Pagination

  • Endpoint: GET /api/employee/get-all-employees
  • Request URL: localhost:8080/api/employee/get-all-employees?page=0&size=5&sort=employeeName
  • Request Param: page=0&size=5&sort=employeeName
  • Response:
  • CURL
    curl --location 'localhost:8080/api/employee/get-all-employees?page=0&size=5&sort=employeeName'
# IF ANY THING REQURED PLEASE MAIL ON rickydipakparte@gmail.com



Language:Java 100.0%