Richienb / iplocation

Get ip location information.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

npmjs reports different version

FrozenFalcon opened this issue · comments

The package.json reports version 3.0.0 but npmjs only serves version 2.0.1. This causes confusion as the docs are different too.

@FrozenFalcon thanks for bringing this to my attention again. The reason for the difference is that I was having some issues with the GeoIP API that is used in versions <= 2.x and I found an alternative provider and bumped the version to 3.0.0, but both actually still work, it was a temporary issue with the original provider; so I never actually pushed 3.0.0 to NPM as it wasn't really necessary. I haven't used either provider that much. If you use this module perhaps you could help me find out which is better if there is a difference at all, or maybe it would be a good idea to have a primary and fallback provider using both. I don't necessary have the time to look at this now, but maybe you could contribute a pull request to somehow resolve the inconsistency.