Richienb / iplocation

Get ip location information.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

i am getting response with empty string.

shivwork opened this issue · comments


iplocation('').then((res) => {
console.log('res :->', res);


res = {
country: '',

Hey @shivwork thanks for raising this. I have tested with the latest versions in 6.x, 5.x and 4.x branches and cannot replicate. This can happen if there isn't a value from the IP metadata provider, but for this particular IP address all the data is there. I could also have been a temporary issue with the provider at the time. If this issue persists, please let me know and could you also include the output of DEBUG=iplocation node {your_script_name}.js which will include information about what providers the module tried, what responses it got, etc.

I am also getting empty response.

@roryrjb can you help me please ?

@ntk860 if you are able to share a snippet of the code you are using and ideally the IP address so I can properly test this then that would be good, otherwise if you could tell me what fields are empty.

iplocation('').then((res) => { 
        // res is empty
    .catch(error => {

{ country: '',
countryCode: '',
region: '',
regionCode: '',
city: '',
postal: '',
ip: '',
latitude: null,
longitude: null,
timezone: '' }

@roryrjb thank you for trying to help

We we're seeing this too and were able to get non-empty results again by reversing the list of providers we found at

So that our client code looks like this

    const providers = [

    const result = await iplocation(ipAddress, providers);

My guess is something changed at recently

@wtfleming thanks for pointing this out. I reached a similar fix when looking at this but wanted to get a more permanent solution in place, it seems like we may not be able to continue relying on, so will look for some alternatives. @ntk860 if you are able to implement something similar to this fix I think it'll be the best short term solution.

iplocation('', [], callback);

Return an empty record as experienced by #16 (comment).


Returns a proper record as suggested by #16 (comment) returns:

"{\"error\": true, \"reason\": \"RateLimited\", \"message\": \"Sign up for IP Address Location API @\"}"

then in

try {
    log("got: " + body);
    json = JSON.parse(body);
catch (ex) {
    return retry(++i, callback);

JSON.parse passes, so return retry(++i, callback); is not executed.

You need to throw an error or return retry(++i, callback); in the try block if json.error exists.