RichiH / vcsh

config manager based on Git

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Staged files are deleted upon `vcsh enter`

dukwon opened this issue · comments


Steps to reproduce:

$ touch test_file
$ vcsh $repo add test_file
$ vcsh enter $repo
$ ls test_file
ls: cannot access 'test_file': No such file or directory

I cannot reproduce it, and looking at the code for what vcsh enter does I'm skeptical that this is a bug in VCSH. I'm willing to keep reviewing if you can give us more information about your setup.

What version of vcsh are you using? Do you have any hooks defined for VCSH's pre-hook? Have you reviewed your Git config to make sure that isn't triggering some weirdness?


My mistake, it is indeed a consequence of the hooks I have installed from

Closing the issue as this is not the right repo. Sorry for the noise