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Breaks when module ID includes query parameters

segevfiner opened this issue · comments

Try, the source map for worker.ts?worker is null which means source stepping doesn't work. The source map for test.js is bugged completely and in addition has null in the sources, which is not allowed, and causes the browser to try to present the file null as the source. This is encountered in Vite via using magic-string inside @rollup/plugin-replace for a dynamic replacement (Which is why it doesn't use Vite builtin define). Likely caused by the query parameter used for workers, and the dynamic ?t=${timestamp} cache busting query parameter added by Vite.

There are often also warning of the form:

Sourcemap for "/Users/segevfiner/junk/vite-worker-sourcemaps-bug/src/worker.ts" points to missing source files

cc @YossiSaadi

I tried to debug this further and it seems it might be an issue in Vite own sourcemaps plugin that doesn't handle it's own ids with query parameters when there are plugins that output some kinds of sourcemaps. I'll reopen there.