Ret70 / PTFakeTouch

Simulate touch events for iOS[User mode]

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PTFakeTouch ERROR! pointId all used after moving application into background

Alkenso opened this issue · comments

Steps to reproduce

  1. Run async loop with generating synthetic tap every second
  2. Lock iPhone (press side button)
  3. Unlock iPhone
    ER: taps continue to be performed
    AR: error "PTFakeTouch ERROR! pointId all used"

I've researched the issue a bit. After locking the iPhone all touches in touchAry have phase 'UITouchPhaseCancelled'

Found solution: in + (NSInteger)getAvailablePointId treat touch with phase UITouchPhaseCancelled as available (as Ended/Stationary are)