Ret70 / PTFakeTouch

Simulate touch events for iOS[User mode]

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Files Does not work in iOS 11 devices

Nitish34 opened this issue · comments

I have integrated framework of PTFakeTouch, when I run it on device it shows error saying "Code sign error : bundle format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitable", and when I run the same in simulator it says error: Invalid bitcode signature, and gives warning missing required architecture x86_64 in IOKIT.framework.

I have included PTFakeTouch.Framework & IOKit.Framework in my project, which I got when I build the PTFakeTouch project. I have just added the team in your project.

And rest everything was same, as mentioned in your GitHub link.


It doesn't seem to be a issue with my project.It works fine on my computer.

Hi, I add PTFakeTouch to my Tweak, when I send touch is crash, please help


@sliverblack What the app you inject?

hi HUYU2048, I want auto touch screen.

NSString *xx=[dict objectForKey:@"xx"];
NSString *yy=[dict objectForKey:@"yy"];
int x=[xx integerValue];
int y=[yy integerValue];
NSInteger pointId = [PTFakeMetaTouch fakeTouchId:[PTFakeMetaTouch getAvailablePointId] AtPoint:CGPointMake(x,y) withTouchPhase:UITouchPhaseBegan];
[PTFakeMetaTouch fakeTouchId:pointId AtPoint:CGPointMake(x,y) withTouchPhase:UITouchPhaseEnded];

It not touch screen. :(