RestCode / WebApiProxy

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derobiom opened this issue · comments

Any advice for someone with a Silverlight client app? (besides getting off of Silverlight, which will not happen until next year). WebApiProxy.CSharp will not install on Silverlight.

I think it may work if you add a class library project, and use WebApiProxy from there

feeling sticky now

Unfortunately, Silverlight is not supported out of the box, nor was it ever directly tested with it.

WebApiProxy.CSharp is a PCL but a decision was made to actively exclude Silverlight to maximize compatibility. Given the strategy, I don't think it is feasible supporting it any time soon in WebApiProxy.CSharp, however; it is certainly a possibility to create a Silverlight specific version, like WebApiProxy.Silverlight to address this use case.

Thank you for the responses. In the end I created some Dto portable class libraries in order to share the definition of my transfer objects between my wepapi code and SilverLight. This has worked really well. It will not work when I (very soon) start working on the JavaScript front end that will replace SilverLight. :-(

The server side component of WebApiProxy supports JavaScript out of the box by generating a server-rendered JQuery client -> 😄

Closing this issue