ReshotAI / gaussian-splatting-blender-addon

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Unable to export

remino opened this issue · comments


Using Blender 3.4 on macOS. I installed and enabled the plugin.

I can import a splat .ply file just fine and see it in the scene. But exporting it, even if I’ve made no changes, outputs this error instead:

Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File “[redacted]/gaussian-splatting-blender-addon-master/", line 1075, in execute
    xyz[i] =[i].vector.to_tuple()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute ‘data'

I tried ignoring the NoneType objects:

         for i, _ in enumerate(mesh.vertices):
+            if position_attr is None:
+                continue
             xyz[i] =[i].vector.to_tuple()

That kinda goes around the problem, but that just outputs a big empty files with mostly empty bytes (0x00).

Any idea? How do you export splats?


This fork seems to be taking care of that problem.

Although sometimes I still have some issues with opacity:

Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File “[redacted]/gaussian-splatting-blender-addon-master/", line 1076, in execute
    opacities[i] =[i].value
IndexError: bpy_prop_collection[index]: index 0 out of range, size 0

This happens after I select any splat and delete it (“Delete Vertices”) in Edit mode.


Okay, figured that out. I know some Python, still a rookie in Blender. So I dug in Scripting:

>>> # Selected object than ran this:
>>> len(

>>> # Went into edit mode, deleted a few vertices, but then no change?
>>> len(

>>> # Deselected the object, reselected it, then the change showed:
>>> len(

So all I had to do was to delete the points, but then deselect the object then reselect it. Then I was able to export the object.

Think I’ll just close this issue now. Thanks!