ResearchObject / runcrate

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Error from runcrate convert

HrishiDhondge opened this issue · comments

I am trying to convert CWLProv to RO crate using runcrate convert. But getting the following error every time I run this command:

File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rocrate/", line 122, in __read
    raise ValueError(f"Not a valid RO-Crate: missing {Metadata.BASENAME}")
ValueError: Not a valid RO-Crate: missing ro-crate-metadata.json

I checked it with a workflow and a tool written in CWL. In both cases, I am getting the same error. Did someone try to run it with CWLprov recently?

Can you provide the command sequence you're using? You should do something like:

cwltool --provenance ro myworkflow.cwl myparams.yml
runcrate convert ro -o ro_crate

I used the same command. This might be also coming from the cwltool. When I run cwltool with --provenance option, I get the following warning:

research_obj set but one of process_run_id or prov_obj is missing from runtimeContext: <cwltool.context.RuntimeContext object at 0x7ff8e3e73dc0>

I have asked about it in the CWL forum as well. The thread can be found here.