RenderKit / embree

Embree ray tracing kernels repository.

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Unable to compile Embree on Windows 10

StudenteChamp2 opened this issue · comments

I am trying to compile Embree via Cmake. I use the following command to generate the VS solution:
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"

I first tried to follow the readme steps(Building Embree Applications)

  1. There is no embree_config.cmake on my system but a embree-config.cmake instead.
  2. I downloaded and installed oneAPi TBB. There is no TBB-config.cmake coming with it

So I decided to fix the build errors one by one.
Unfortunately i had 2 errors.

Error 1(Fixed)

Cmakes first complains about not finding TBB_ROOT.

I fixed it by installing oneApi TBB and setting the TBB_ROOT environment variable to C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\tbb\2021.10.0
This error is gone.

Error 2(can't fix)

Cmakes now complains about not finding TBB_INCLUDE_DIR

I downloaded the TBB package from github. I unziped the package then I set the TBB_INCLUDE_DIR environment variable to point to the include folder D:\oneapi-tbb-2021.10.0-win\include

Cmakes still complains about now finding TBB_INCLUDE_DIR. Why?

Thanks for helping :)

I think problem is that your TBB_ROOT does not point to the TBB config file, try pointing TBB_ROOT to TBB_ROOT=path_to_tbb\lib\cmake\tbb

It worked thank you :)