RemoteDebug / remotedebug-ios-webkit-adapter

Debug Safari and WebViews on iOS from tools like VS Code and Chrome DevTools

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Ubuntu iosAdapter.getTargets iosAdapter.getTargets iosAdapter.getTargets

bknill opened this issue · comments


I'm getting


Over and over again on Ubuntu 18.04.

ios_webkit_debug_proxy picks up the device first time, no problems.

I saw the Windows fix to update ios_webkit_debug_proxy, but that doesn't seem to be relevant on Ubuntu.

Any clues?

That's supposed to happen, it indicates thats it's polling to find connected devices.

Hi yes.

But there is a device connected, running ios_webkit_debug_proxy connects immediately, running remotedebug_ios_webkit_adapter --port=9000 does not connect to anything.

I've seen the Windows issue regarding using an out of date ios_webkit_debug_proxy, could the same thing be happening in Ubuntu?

The iOS version of the device plays a big role too. Maybe your issue is related to 138 as well?
Assuming everything is up to date you should be using proxy version 1.8.4.