Rem0o / FanControl.Releases

This is the release repository for Fan Control, a highly customizable fan controlling software for Windows.

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[Feature request] Fan Schedules

Awamori112 opened this issue · comments

Option to have curves or triggers be set up as schedules

Use case:
I have a some fans that have pretty high RPMs, around the 2k RPM - 5k RPM range (dont really care about noise cause they're pretty quiet surprisingly). I leave my computer on at night to process pics and videos and sometimes like to have my fans at high blast but would like to set a schedule to ramp them down to a good speed where it's decently quiet and respectful to my family when they sleep.

Possible solutions:

  • hook into windows time to trigger
  • hook into BIOS time to trigger
  • something similar to temp triggers

Create 2 configurations. 1 silent, name it "silent", one normal, name it "normal" or whatever.

Create tasks in Task Scheduler in windows.

Put the right time you want.
Action: FanControl.exe -c silent.json
Folder: [Point to the fan control folder]

Then create an other tasks to put it back to normal.
Action: FanControl.exe -c normal.json
Folder: [Point to the fan control folder]