Reinforz / fauton

An ecosystem of packages to work with automaton and parsers (dfa/nfa/e-nfa/regex/cfg/pda)

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Two merged dfa must have the same alphabets

Devorein opened this issue · comments

const { DeterministicFiniteAutomaton } = require('fauton');

const DivisibleBy3DFA = new DeterministicFiniteAutomaton(
	(randomBinaryString) => {
		return parseInt(randomBinaryString, 2) % 3 === 0;
		label: 'DFA 1',
		alphabets: ['1', '0'],
		description: 'Divisible by 3',
		final_states: ['A'],
		start_state: 'A',
		states: ['A', 'B', 'C'],
		transitions: {
			A: ['A', 'B'],
			B: ['C', 'A'],
			C: ['B', 'C'],

const startsWithBC = new DeterministicFiniteAutomaton(
	(inputString) => inputString.startsWith('bc'),
		alphabets: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
		description: 'Starts with bc',
		final_states: ['Q3'],
		label: 'starts_with_bc',
		start_state: 'Q0',
		states: ['Q0', 'Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3'],
		transitions: {
			Q0: ['Q2', 'Q1', 'Q2'],
			Q1: ['Q2', 'Q2', 'Q3'],
			Q2: 'loop',
			Q3: 'loop',

const DivisibleBy3OrStartsWithBC= DivisibleBy2DFA.OR(startsWithBC );

This should fail with an appropriate message, but the error message generated is extremely vague and difficult to decipher.