RehabMan / EAPD-Codec-Commander

handles EAPD state updating for power-managed HDA codecs

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Usage confusion

ay18 opened this issue · comments

Hello, I've read over the Readme, especially the instructions on enabling this kext, but am still stuck with no audio upon wake (from sleep). What I've tried so far is simply downloading the latest build and placing it in EFI (also tried S/L/E and L/E, but I see in the commits that the kext should work in EFI now). Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seemed to me that creating a Profile in Info.plist isn't required.

I'm currently running OSX 10.11.3, with ALC1150. I'd be glad to provide any logs or other info. Thanks!

Fixed. Wasn't a problem with Codec Commander.
Leaving the steps here in case anyone else runs into the same problem:

  1. Restore native AppleHDA.kext (toleda has some instructions on this. I got mine from the OSX installer)
  2. Patch AppleHDA.kext using toleda's (the .command file didn't work for me. Not sure why since they should both do the same thing). Note that EFI must be mounted for the script to work.
  3. Set "Update Nodes" to YES (true) in CC's Info.plist. Full path in the plist:
    IOKitPersonalities >> CodecCommander >> Codec Profile >> Realtek ALC1150 >> Update Nodes >> YES
  4. Load CC in CLOVER/EFI. Should work in /S/L/E too.