Redundancy / go-sync

gosync is a library for Golang styled around zsync / rsync, written with the intent that it enables efficient differential file transfer in a number of ways. NB: I am unable to contribute to this at the moment

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example for using as a library

logicminds opened this issue · comments

How would I use go-sync as a library in my app to sync a directory to another directory? Can you provide some examples.

The best example should be the gosync tool (under gosync), although it doesn't implement a full directory sync yet.

There are almost certainly a few things that need checking - truncating file lengths, setting file flags etc.

I've made some improvements that should make it considerably easier and cleaner to do this. It's still missing a number of things, but it should be a much saner proposition. See the updated patch.go file.

It's also on my list of things to do in the gosync tool.