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Exception with retrieving output tensors from TorchScript model

bsbodden opened this issue · comments



Reproducer Project

Project containing a test to replicate the issue: [](

Issue/Exception with retrieving output tensors

The test class RunModelsTest has two test methods:

🟢 testRunTensorFlowModel: original method from JRedisAI test suite - PASS
🔴 testRunTorchScriptModel: the method in question - FAIL

Using RedisAI docker image edge

docker run -p 6379:6379 --name redisai redislabs/redisai:edge-cpu

Module List> MODULE LIST
1) 1) "name"
   2) "ai"
   3) "ver"
   4) (integer) 999999

Docker Image info

edge-cpu | 30b1cdcdbd52

Run with

./mvnw clean verify

The method loads a TorchScript pre-trained model that was created using

[ERROR] testRunTorchScriptModel  Time elapsed: 0.081 s  <<< ERROR!
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Long incompatible with [B

The error happens on this line:

// AI.TENSORGET iris:inferences VALUES
Tensor inferences = client.getTensor("iris:inferences"); // 💥

@bsbodden Did you try the test on redisai:edge-cpu-bionic image?


Just did. Same result.