RediSearch / redisearch-py

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Questions about search and add

f771216203 opened this issue · comments

Q1: When I use "search()" and show the result, I can see 1277 in total but I can only see 10 resaults. How can I see all the 1277 resaults?
Q2: When I search a longer chinese words(about over 4 words), there will find nothing, but the value is exist.
Q3: How to add add_document faster, when I add a 3.5G file it cost cover an hour.

Q1: By default the search returns 10 results. Look at the LIMIT parameter.

Q2: Can you provide a full example ?
It would be useful to see

  • the FT.CREATE commands with the parameters (or the dump of FT.INFO)
  • the content of the document that should be retrieved HMGETALL
  • the FT.SEARCH commands with the parameters

Q3: Did you have a look at RSCoordinator? This module manage the sharing. You can then use several redis instance and speed up the indexing.

@emmanuelkeller Thanks a lot for the answers.
Q1: How could I show more than default by using on python?
Q2: In the picture can see when I searhed a sentence in test1 there find nothing in my resault test2.
Q3: Can I use it on Python?