RediSearch / redisearch-py

RediSearch python client

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Flask search query giving another index results.

cnvsuresh opened this issue · comments


I'm trying to use this library. When i was searching for a key in the stored docs it's giving correctly. After that, I've tried to create another index from the same code. Without trying to store any docs in the new index if I'm trying to run, it's giving the previously created index results with this new index name surprisingly. Can I get help on that to solve this issue?

First index details
`from flask import request
from flask_restful import Resource
from redisearch import Client, IndexDefinition, Query, TextField, TagField

index_name = 'myIndexQuery!'
host = ''
port = 12906
password = 'xxxxxx'

class RedisClass(Resource):

def put():
    client = Client(index_name, host=host, port=port, password=password)
    # Creating a client with a given index name
    # IndexDefinition is available for RediSearch 2.0+
    definition = IndexDefinition()

    # Creating the index definition and schema
    client.create_index((TextField("title", weight=5.0), TextField("body"), TagField("services")),
    # client.alter_schema_add([TagField("description")])
    return True

def post():
    client = Client(index_name, host=host, port=port, password=password)

    # Indexing a document for RediSearch 2.0+
    payload = request.get_json()
    doc_id = payload['doc_id']
    return client.redis.hset(doc_id, mapping=payload)

def get():
    client = Client(index_name, host=host, port=port, password=password)
    print("Connected to %s" % client.__dict__)
    # add_document(title="meh, lol", tags="python,C")
    # Query("@title:meh @tags:{java}")
    query = request.args.get('query') if not ('type' in request.args) else "@description:{%s}" % request.args.get(
    q = Query(query).with_scores().paging(0, 5)
    # .no_content()
    # .verbatim()
    res =
    # print("%s %s" % (query, json.dumps(res)))
    print("%s %s" % (query, res))
    # print([0].id)
    for doc in
        print("Ids %s" %
    return True`

Second index details:

`from flask import request
from flask_restful import Resource
from redisearch import Client, IndexDefinition, Query, TextField, TagField

index_name = 'Gupta_myIndexQuery'
host = ''
port = 12906
password = 'xxxxx'

class RedisSearchClass(Resource):

def put():
    client = Client(index_name, host=host, port=port, password=password)
    # Creating a client with a given index name
    # IndexDefinition is available for RediSearch 2.0+
    definition = IndexDefinition()

    # Creating the index definition and schema
    client.create_index((TextField("title", weight=5.0), TextField("body"), TagField("services")),
    # client.alter_schema_add([TagField("description")])
    return True

def post():
    client = Client(index_name, host=host, port=port, password=password)

    # Indexing a document for RediSearch 2.0+
    payload = request.get_json()
    doc_id = payload['doc_id']
    return client.redis.hset(doc_id, mapping=payload)

def get():
    client = Client(index_name, host=host, port=port, password=password)
    print("Connected to %s" % client.__dict__)
    # add_document(title="meh, lol", tags="python,C")
    # Query("@title:meh @tags:{java}")
    query = request.args.get('query') if not ('type' in request.args) else "@description:{%s}" % request.args.get(
    q = Query(query).with_scores().verbatim().paging(0, 5)
    # .no_content()
    # .verbatim()
    res =
    # print("%s %s" % (query, json.dumps(res)))
    print("%s %s" % (query, res))
    # print([0].id)
    for doc in
        print("Ids %s" %
    return True


I've found the Redis insight library. Installed and checked what are all the values exist.
Surprisingly, I've seen all the docs without index-based. It's storing all the keys plainly in DB.

Is there any index name concept? If yes what I've done wrongly in this. As per the insight, the library looks like not exists.