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PSR-4 / PSR-1 Compliance

njuneau opened this issue · comments


This is just a suggestion, I'm not a compiler expert - you be the judge of the pertinence of the issue!

Would it be a good idea to make sure that the generated PHP sources are PSR-4 compliant ( )? This could increase interoperability between Haxe-generated code and "native" PHP code. I looked at the sample generated file here ( ) and the namespace use seems correct. It would just be a matter of validating that the output folders are compliant. Being able to use a Haxe library in a native PHP project (and vice-versa) using a standard class loader would be fun.

Once this is tackled, other PSRs could be added in order to ease debugging and increase familiarity with existing PHP developers. For example, PSR-1 covers basic code style ( ). Whether or not this is pertinent in a compiled environment, I'm not sure. The code itself can violate certain style rules. But the compiler could be implemented in a way that, by itself, it doesn't introduce more inconsistencies than the actual compiled code does.

What do you think?

This is a good idea.
Generated code is already PSR-1 compliant (except classes in root namespace which will be fixed with #3)
It almost completely satisfy PSR-4. I added an issue #53 to make it 100% compliant.

Now everything should be 100% PSR-1/PSR-4 compliant