Readify / PwshZendesk

Powershell Module for the Zendesk Support API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PS 5.1 Compatibility

axisfx24 opened this issue · comments

What are the steps to allow PS 5.1 compatibility as noted in the README? When I try to run on a Win10 box with default PS 5.1, I am unable to get Get-Connection to properly connect, it always connects as anonymous. Username, API key (as asecure string) and Org are stored as variable to pass along to Get-Connection.

Running the exact code in a PS7 session, it connects up properly and I am able to get and push data.

@axisfx24 Sorry about that. I'm not sure how the proper PS 5.1 auth code never got merged in.

I no longer work at Readify so we'll need to wait on someone over there to merge my Pr. Feel free to use my fork in the meantime.

Thanks for making this available. Its really a great resource to have for Zendesk. You Rock!!