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why isnt there a concatMap operator when there was one in 2020

faisalmushtaq007 opened this issue · comments

Help needed.
RxDart - Using map and concatMap
But i checked there isnt any method like that.
Actually what my task is that i have multiple apis in an Iterable. I want to execute that sequentially and ones response is parameter to another api. Can you please help me here.

AsyncExpand is what you want, since this is natively supported by Dart, it made no sense to create a concatMap synonym

@frankpepermans Can you show an example of it, how to use for multiple apis. I've been stuck with this for long. please!

@faisalmushtaq007 hope it helps you

import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';
import 'dart:async';

Stream<String> task(int i, String param) =>
  Rx.fromCallable(() => 'index $i: time=${} - param=$param\n')
    .delay(const Duration(seconds: 1));

void main() async {
  String acc = null;
  await Stream.fromIterable([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    .asyncExpand((i) =>
      task(i, acc)
        .doOnData((v) => acc = v)