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Memory usage increases with subject and threadpool scheduler

damianoct opened this issue · comments


I'm using rxpy for an event-driven application and after some stress tests I noticed a strange behaviour on memory usage.
I've created a simple script to reproduce the issue.

from rx.scheduler import ThreadPoolScheduler
from rx.subject import Subject
import rx.operators as ops
from threading import current_thread
import multiprocessing
import rx
import time

pool_scheduler = ThreadPoolScheduler(multiprocessing.cpu_count())

pipeline = [ x: x**2)]


s = Subject()
s.pipe(*pipeline).subscribe(on_next=lambda x: print("{}, thread: {}".format(x, current_thread().name)))

for i in range(100000000000):


I'm using memory-profile library for tracing the memory usage of this script, after 30 seconds of run the result is the following:

Screen Shot 2021-09-01 at 11 02 59 AM

The memory is growing linearly.

If I place a time.sleep(0.1) inside the for loop the memory usage is steady.

from rx.scheduler import ThreadPoolScheduler
from rx.subject import Subject
import rx.operators as ops
from threading import current_thread
import multiprocessing
import rx
import time

pool_scheduler = ThreadPoolScheduler(multiprocessing.cpu_count())

pipeline = [ x: x**2)]


s = Subject()
s.pipe(*pipeline).subscribe(on_next=lambda x: print("{}, thread: {}".format(x, current_thread().name)))

for i in range(100000000000):


Screen Shot 2021-09-01 at 11 04 59 AM

I don't know if the problem is related to python / rxpy or if I'm using the library in a wrong way.

PS: the memory usage is steady if I get rid of scheduler and everything is executed on the main thread.

If you wait until the program completes, does the memory go down?

It looks like the code generates the items faster than they are processed in the thread pool. There is an unbounded queue to schedule the items between the source and the threads in the ThreadSchedulers. So the memory grows up until the source completes and the threads can catch up.
When you add the sleep statement, you slow down the production of the source items and they can be processed faster than they are produced.

If you wait until the program completes, does the memory go down?

Yes, I ran a script that processes 1 million source items without the time sleep and the memory is releasing over the time.


My question is:

I'm using the same setup (subject + thread pool) in a python application and the frequency of source creation and process could be very high.
How can I avoid this memory usage if I have the production of the source items is faster than the process time?

Maybe should I use multiple observable (multiple subjects)?

Thanks. @MainRo

You need to handle backpressure in your application. Unfortunately, there is no built-in solution for this in RxPY.
Depending on the structure of your application, you can use different techniques.

You can try this library:

I do not know if @MichaelSchneeberger still maintains it.
Also some time ago I wrote an article on how to handle backpressure with a feedback loop.