ReactiveX / RxNetty

Reactive Extension (Rx) Adaptor for Netty

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Racing condition when using together with Reactor 3 or RxJava 2

hsdmiranda opened this issue · comments


Currently, we are using Netflix Ribbon + Netflix Hystrix + RxNetty to call some of our internal services. Everything works fine if we use just RxJava 1.

We decided to use Reactor 3 in our service layer, but because all the previous framework I mention still relies on RxJava 1, we decided to use RxJavaReactiveStreams to convert from RxJava 1 to Publisher.

We thought everything worked really smooth, but once we experience a bit of load on our tests we see responses going to different requests, causing several errors of course (like JSON deserialization).

I already spoke with @akarnokd and he suspects the problem to be within rxNetty.

I managed to create a small project that reproduced the problem.

Any clue?

Thanks in advance.