ReactiveCocoa / ReactiveSwift

Streams of values over time

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Property Wrappers

petrpavlik opened this issue · comments

Are there plans to start making use of property wrappers? I think that it could improve the syntax in certain areas, especially Property, so I quickly put together this swift package as a proof of concept

It shouldn't be hard to introduced. MutableProperty, Property and Atomic can all be annotated as a property delegate.

This sounds like a nice addition to have. However, I'm concerned that adding the set accessors without thinking about the overall design might be leading to trouble.

Specifically, the implementation of Atomic<Value> found in petrpavlik/PropertyWrapperWrapper apparently has the shortcoming that read-and-write modifications aren't done without releasing the lock in between. AFAICT (although it's hard to reproduce) that causes a data race in really straightforward looking pieces of code such as:

@Atomic var counter: Int = 0
let queue =
let group = DispatchGroup()
queue.async(group: group) {
    counter += 1  // <- not really atomic
queue.async(group: group) {
    counter += 2  // <- not really atomic
group.notify(queue: queue) {
    print(counter)  // depending on locking order, might print 1 or 2 or 3

I find this especially problematic in the case of Atomic which has atomic in its name already.

I believe this could be fixed either:

  • by using the unofficial _modify accessor (probably a no-go until it becomes official), or

  • by hiding set altogether and directing writes to be done in terms of the modification interfaces of Atomic and MutableProperty type exposed through the projectedValue, something like:

    $counter.modify { $0 += 1 }

Edit: Oh, I realise this topic has been discussed in #731 (comment) too.

Spent a bit more time investigating this. For at least Atomic<Value>, turning the type into a class-backed struct with _modify accessors seems to me like the sweet spot.

E.g. given this example,

final class Demo {
    @Atomic var aaa: Int = 0
    @Atomic private(set) bbb: Int = 10
    @Atomic fileprivate(set) ccc: Int = 100
    func method() { ... }
let demo = Demo()
  •, = 1, and += 2 can be accessed freely (internally),
    • the accessors demo.$aaa.withValue { ... }, demo.$aaa.swap(3), and demo.$aaa.modify { ... } are equally accessible;
  • += 2 only locks once during the read-and-write operation,
  • demo.bbb can be read by anyone but only modified by Demo.method (where of course the always-private generated _bbb is visible too),
  • demo.$bbb.withValue { ... } is accessible whenever demo.bbb is, and
  • the mutable interface demo.ccc as well as demo.$ccc are visible within that file.

A quick implementation which seemed to work, with minor changes to other ReactiveSwift code, is found in pyrtsa@9de23ce.

I'm assuming a similar treatment could be done to Property and MutableProperty too, but turning those into structs would be an even more breaking change, although something to that end was discussed in #19.

@andersio I've opened a PR for property wrapper for Property #762

This is solved by #781. There's an issue with access control leakage that's being tracked here #795