ReactiveCocoa / ReactiveCocoa

Cocoa framework and Obj-C dynamism bindings for ReactiveSwift.

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Using "<~" binding function with Signal.Observers causes memory leaks.

michalmlu opened this issue · comments

In the current implementation of the binding operator, signal is not terminated if the target object gets deallocated, which can cause memory leaks.

Let's imagine a property that represents the current User object and is exposed from the UserRepository.
The ViewModel listens for any changes in that object and sends an information in the form of a Signal to the ViewController.

ViewModel has the pipe defined and it's output exposed to the View.
let firstName = Signal<String, Never>.pipe()

somewhere in the code I feed the pipe with the following binding
firstName.input <~ { $0.firstName }

The above map is executed every time the user object changes even if the Pipe is deallocated.

Problem is caused by the following code in the UnidirectionalBinding.swift file. Even the note suggests that "The binding will automatically terminate when the target is deinitialized".

extension Signal.Observer {
	/// Binds a source to a target, updating the target's value to the latest
	/// value sent by the source.
	/// - note: Only `value` events will be forwarded to the Observer.
	///         The binding will automatically terminate when the target is
	///         deinitialized, or when the source sends a `completed` event.
	/// - parameters:
	///   - target: A target to be bond to.
	///   - source: A source to bind.
	/// - returns: A disposable that can be used to terminate binding before the
	///            deinitialization of the target or the source's `completed`
	///            event.
	public static func <~
		<Source: BindingSource>
		(observer: Signal<Value, Error>.Observer, source: Source) -> Disposable?
		where Source.Value == Value
		return source.producer.startWithValues { [weak observer] in
			observer?.send(value: $0)