ReVanced / revanced-manager

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bug: t0.b: d1.a: could not exec

FlyByKnight23 opened this issue · comments

Bug description

Happens whenever I try to patch the currently suggested version of YouTube 19.09.37.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Uninstall Revanced Manager 1.4.1
  2. Download and install Revanced Manager 1.19.3
  3. Download Youtube 19.09.37
  4. Patch Youtube

Installation type is non-root. Vanced MicroG does not appear in the patch list.

Screenshot_20240402_081150_ReVanced Manager
Screenshot_20240402_081203_ReVanced Manager
Screenshot_20240402_081209_ReVanced Manager
Screenshot_20240402_081215_ReVanced Manager

Version of ReVanced Manager and version & name of app you are patching

Revanced Manager version: 1.19.3

YouTube version: 19.09.37

Installation method


ReVanced Manager logs

Too long. Can't copy and paste or post it.

Patch logs

{"":["Alternative thumbnails","Always repeat","Announcements","Bypass URL redirects","Change start page","Client spoof","Comments","Copy video URL","Custom player overlay opacity","Disable auto captions","Disable fullscreen ambient mode","Disable player popup panels","Disable precise seeking gesture","Disable resuming Shorts on startup","Disable rolling number animations","Disable suggested video end screen","Disable zoom haptics","Downloads","Enable debugging","Enable tablet layout","GmsCore support","Hide 'Load more' button","Hide Shorts components","Hide ads","Hide album cards","Hide autoplay button","Hide breaking news shelf","Hide captions button","Hide cast button","Hide crowdfunding box","Hide endscreen cards","Hide filter bar","Hide floating microphone button","Hide info cards","Hide layout components","Hide player buttons","Hide seekbar","Hide timestamp","Hide video action buttons","Minimized playback","Navigation buttons","Open links externally","Playback speed","Player flyout menu","Remember video quality","Remove tracking query parameter","Remove viewer discretion dialog","Restore old seekbar thumbnails","Restore old video quality menu","Return YouTube Dislike","Seekbar tapping","SponsorBlock","Spoof app version","Spoof device dimensions","Swipe controls","Tablet mini player","Theme","Video ads","Wide searchbar"]}


  • This issue is not a duplicate of an existing bug report.
  • I have chosen an appropriate title.
  • All requested information has been provided properly.
  • The bug is only related to ReVanced Manager

Did you grant ReVanced Manager root permissions?

Which Android version are you running?
Try moving ReVanced Manager from the SD card to internal storage.

Which Android version are you running? Try moving ReVanced Manager from the SD card to internal storage.

Android version 13

Did you grant ReVanced Manager root permissions?

I don't have a root app to do that

I don't know why but you fail to execute AAPT:


Same here, Android 14. Can't patch YouTube app at all (Root)

  • Device Info
    ReVanced Manager: 1.18.0
    Model: Pixel 6 Pro
    Android version: 14
    Supported architectures: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, armeabi
    Root permissions: Yes

  • Patch Info
    App: v19.09.37 (Suggested: v19.09.37)
    Patches version: v4.6.0
    Patches added: Default
    Patches removed: None
    Default patch options changed: None

  • Settings
    Allow changing patch selection: false
    Version compatibility check: true
    Show universal patches: false
    Patches source: revanced/revanced-patches
    Integration source: revanced/revanced-integrations

  • Logs
    Copying APK
    Reading APK
    Decoding app manifest
    Loading patches
    Merging integrations
    Deleting existing resource cache directory
    Decoding resources
    Executing patches
    Applied 60 patches
    Compiling patched dex files
    Compiled 8 dex files
    Compiling modified resources
    An error occurred:
    brut.androlib.exceptions.AndrolibException: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec (exit code = 1): [/data/app/~~1bGGQ_Ulf4VFraZqf3uo6Q==/app.revanced.manager.flutter-0x6RHG1g3lg-LMBaB-8nJg==/lib/arm64/, link, -o, /data/user/0/app.revanced.manager.flutter/cache/patcher/tmp-DQCCPN/cache/aapt_temp_file, --package-id, 127, --min-sdk-version, 26, --target-sdk-version, 34, --version-code, 1544809920, --version-name, 19.09.37, --no-auto-version, --no-version-vectors, --no-version-transitions, --no-resource-deduping, --allow-reserved-package-id, -e, /data/user/0/app.revanced.manager.flutter/cache/APKTOOL3778662578293024243.tmp, -0, arsc, -I, /data/user/0/app.revanced.manager.flutter/cache/patcher/tmp-DQCCPN/cache/1.apk, --manifest, /data/user/0/app.revanced.manager.flutter/cache/patcher/tmp-DQCCPN/cache/AndroidManifest.xml, /data/user/0/app.revanced.manager.flutter/cache/patcher/tmp-DQCCPN/cache/build/]
    at brut.androlib.AaptInvoker.invokeAapt2(
    at brut.androlib.AaptInvoker.invokeAapt(
    at app.revanced.patcher.Patcher.get(Patcher.kt:265)
    at app.revanced.manager.flutter.MainActivity.runPatcher$lambda$36(MainActivity.kt:371)
    at app.revanced.manager.flutter.MainActivity.$r8$lambda$wwTqh4bVDMuwAT_qXBREk8gLHGU(Unknown Source:0)
    at app.revanced.manager.flutter.MainActivity$$ Source:24)
    Caused by: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec (exit code = 1): [/data/app/~~1bGGQ_Ulf4VFraZqf3uo6Q==/app.revanced.manager.flutter-0x6RHG1g3lg-LMBaB-8nJg==/lib/arm64/, link, -o, /data/user/0/app.revanced.manager.flutter/cache/patcher/tmp-DQCCPN/cache/aapt_temp_file, --package-id, 127, --min-sdk-version, 26, --target-sdk-version, 34, --version-code, 1544809920, --version-name, 19.09.37, --no-auto-version, --no-version-vectors, --no-version-transitions, --no-resource-deduping, --allow-reserved-package-id, -e, /data/user/0/app.revanced.manager.flutter/cache/APKTOOL3778662578293024243.tmp, -0, arsc, -I, /data/user/0/app.revanced.manager.flutter/cache/patcher/tmp-DQCCPN/cache/1.apk, --manifest, /data/user/0/app.revanced.manager.flutter/cache/patcher/tmp-DQCCPN/cache/AndroidManifest.xml, /data/user/0/app.revanced.manager.flutter/cache/patcher/tmp-DQCCPN/cache/build/]
    at brut.util.OS.exec(
    at brut.androlib.AaptInvoker.invokeAapt2(
    ... 7 more

I don't know why but you fail to execute AAPT:


do you know how i can fix it?

I don't know why but you fail to execute AAPT:


do you know how i can fix it?

The /mnt/asec path tells me that you probably have installed manager to an sd card. Try moving it to internal storage like I said before.

That's very likely the explanation and thus a duplicate


How can I fix mine btw? It just says aapt failed


But it's on internal storage

Not according to OPs logs. If you need support move to one of our links at

I don't know why but you fail to execute AAPT:

do you know how i can fix it?

The /mnt/asec path tells me that you probably have installed manager to an sd card. Try moving it to internal storage like I said before.

I moved it to internal and I'm still having the same issue. I should also note that ive already disabled play protect

If you get the same error message, you have not moved it away from the sdcard.

Since posting this, I've tried patching YouTube with Revanced on Internal and External Storage, and YouTube installed and uninstalled. This is the latest result of having Revanced on Internal Storage and YouTube installed:

Screenshot_20240403_123735_ReVanced Manager
Screenshot_20240403_123739_ReVanced Manager

You do not have enough space.

If you get the same error message, you have not moved it away from the sdcard.

I do have it in internal storage


You did not get the same error message therefore

I managed to patch Youtube. From what I can tell, it was a space issue. The only thing I did differently between attempts was uninstall some apps and delete some old files.