ReScience / template

Template for article submission

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool is fragile

rougier opened this issue · comments

The yaml-to-bibtex script seems to be quite fragile and will break fro any typo in the yaml file (see for example #10). We need to make it more robust. Any taker ?

I might like to take a stab at it ( as well). Are you using any code formatters or formal linters at this time?

I would like to start off by using a formatter (I would elect black, but happy to use whatever), and make sure it passes pylint and flake8. Then add type annotations and check with mypy.

I think those checks will get it pretty far in terms of robustness. From there, I would like to add more parsing checks and some unit tests (e.g. lastname and abbrvname extraction tests). Are there any objections to this proposal?

Thanks for the proposal. We're actually transitioning to a new system (JOSS) where metadata will be entered at time of submission. Hopefully we won't need the script anymore. But I retain your proposal in case things do not work as expected.

Thanks! On that note, how soon do you think the transition will be complete? I have a replication I would like to submit soon and was wondering if it would be best to wait until after the transition?

Sorry for the delay. We have an early protype and I hope we'll make the transition by end of June but difficult to say. If you can wait a few more weeks, I should have a better timeline (don't hesitate to ping me in this thread).