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Questions about reformatting

FrankVerhoef opened this issue · comments

Hi , I just finished a first round of reformatting.
Some questions:

  • As the margins in the RC-2020 are much wider, all of the tables in the document had to be reformatted, some of them split into two parts. This takes (much) more space --> I hope this will not be a problem.
  • We used bold, italic and some colors in our text (e.g. to highlight notable differences in tables). But in the RC-2020 format the codes don't work (e.g. \textit, \textbf) --> how can I include these.
  • If you have suggestions about the other warnings in the build.log, please let me know!
    Thank you, Frank


  • Yes, no issues with camera ready taking more space due to table expansions!

  • From your build.log, I find the first error to be this:

    ! LaTeX Error: Option clash for package xcolor.

    Firstly, please remove the import of xcolor. The xcolor package is already loaded by rescience.cls, which is why it is creating problems for submissions. I checked your package.tex, and it seems the offending color is OliveGreen. If I change it to green, then the compilation proceeds : \newcommand{\green}[1]{\textbf{\textcolor{green}{#1}}}.

  • Regarding the bold and italics, I narrowed down the issue to import of fontenc. Since ReScience uses custom fonts, loading this package will overwrite the custom fonts and will break textbf / texit. Please remove / comment this line from your package.tex : \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % use 8-bit T1 fonts. Thanks for bringing this to my attention though! I'll add a note in the readme!