ReFirmLabs / binwalk

Firmware Analysis Tool

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Different names for `cramfsck`

rel-s opened this issue · comments

The default configuration is as stated:

# Try cramfsck first; if that fails, swap the file system and try again
^cramfs filesystem:cramfs:cramfsck -x '%%cramfs-root%%' '%e':0:False
^cramfs filesystem:cramfs:cramfsswap '%e' '%e.swap' && cramfsck -x '%%cramfs-root%%' '%e.swap':0:False

However, on some distributions (tested on debian WSL2) the command has been renamed to fsck.cramfs, and the -x argument to --extract. Perhaps we should try both if one fails.

Another problem is that fsck.cramfs is in /usr/sbin on Debian (tested on Debian 12.1), which is not in the PATH of non-root users.

@Shorrer ,
Ran into the same problem.
Easiest way to get around the problem is to download the cramfsck from and compile for your distribution. Tested on Kali Linux aarch64 2024.4 and it works perfectly fine.