RcppCore / RcppArmadillo

Rcpp integration for the Armadillo templated linear algebra library

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Two failures in test_cube.R on PowerPC

barracuda156 opened this issue · comments

* checking tests ...
  Running ‘tinytest.R’
Running the tests in ‘tests/tinytest.R’ failed.
Last 13 lines of output:
  test_sparseConversion.R.......   84 tests OK 
  test_sparseConversion.R.......   84 tests OK 
  test_sparseConversion.R.......   84 tests OK 
  test_sparseConversion.R.......   84 tests OK 
  test_sparseConversion.R.......   84 tests OK 
  test_sparseConversion.R.......   85 tests OK 
  test_sparseConversion.R.......   85 tests OK 1.3s
  ----- FAILED[data]: test_cube.R<44--45>
   call| expect_equivalent(cx_fcube_test(cplx_cube), (cplx_cube^2), tolerance = critTol)
   diff| Mean relative Mod difference: 1.512537e-07
  ----- FAILED[data]: test_cube.R<81--82>
   call| expect_equivalent(as_cx_fcube(cplx_cube), (cplx_cube^2), tolerance = critTol)
   diff| Mean relative Mod difference: 1.512537e-07
  Error: 2 out of 314 tests failed
  Execution halted

R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31) -- "Innocent and Trusting"
Copyright (C) 2022 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: powerpc-apple-darwin10.8.0 (32-bit)

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You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

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Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

> if (requireNamespace("tinytest", quietly=TRUE)) {
+     tinytest::test_package("RcppArmadillo")
+ }
R(51976) malloc: *** error for object 0xa0d51754: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
R(51976) malloc: *** error for object 0xa0d517c4: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
R(51976) malloc: *** error for object 0x34e52c0: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
R(51976) malloc: *** error for object 0x34e4928: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
R(51976) malloc: *** error for object 0x34e4890: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
R(51976) malloc: *** error for object 0x34e48dc: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
R(51976) malloc: *** error for object 0x34e47c8: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
R(51976) malloc: *** error for object 0x34e46a0: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
R(51976) malloc: *** error for object 0x34e45c0: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
R(51976) malloc: *** error for object 0x34e4630: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
R(51976) malloc: *** error for object 0x34e44f8: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
R(51976) malloc: *** error for object 0x34e5200: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
R(51976) malloc: *** error for object 0x34e5380: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
R(51976) malloc: *** error for object 0x34e538c: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
R(51976) malloc: *** error for object 0x34e53a8: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

test_Rlapack.R................    0 tests    
test_Rlapack.R................    0 tests    
test_Rlapack.R................    0 tests    
test_Rlapack.R................    0 tests    
test_Rlapack.R................    0 tests    
test_Rlapack.R................    0 tests    
test_Rlapack.R................    0 tests    
test_Rlapack.R................    0 tests    
test_Rlapack.R................    0 tests    
test_Rlapack.R................    0 tests    
test_Rlapack.R................    0 tests    
test_Rlapack.R................    0 tests    
test_Rlapack.R................    0 tests    
test_Rlapack.R................    1 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_Rlapack.R................    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_Rlapack.R................    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_Rlapack.R................    4 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_Rlapack.R................    5 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_Rlapack.R................    6 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_Rlapack.R................    7 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m �[0;34m48.0s�[0m

test_complex.R................    0 tests    
test_complex.R................    0 tests    
test_complex.R................    0 tests    
test_complex.R................    0 tests    
test_complex.R................    0 tests    
test_complex.R................    0 tests    
test_complex.R................    0 tests    
test_complex.R................    0 tests    
test_complex.R................    0 tests    
test_complex.R................    0 tests    
test_complex.R................    0 tests    
test_complex.R................    0 tests    
test_complex.R................    1 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_complex.R................    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_complex.R................    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_complex.R................    4 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_complex.R................    5 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_complex.R................    6 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_complex.R................    7 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_complex.R................    8 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_complex.R................    9 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_complex.R................   10 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_complex.R................   11 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m �[0;34m39.9s�[0m

test_cube.R...................    0 tests    
test_cube.R...................    0 tests    
test_cube.R...................    0 tests    
test_cube.R...................    0 tests    
test_cube.R...................    0 tests    
test_cube.R...................    0 tests    
test_cube.R...................    0 tests    
test_cube.R...................    1 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_cube.R...................    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_cube.R...................    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_cube.R...................    4 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_cube.R...................    5 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_cube.R...................    6 tests �[0;31m1 fails�[0m 
test_cube.R...................    6 tests �[0;31m1 fails�[0m 
test_cube.R...................    6 tests �[0;31m1 fails�[0m 
test_cube.R...................    6 tests �[0;31m1 fails�[0m 
test_cube.R...................    7 tests �[0;31m1 fails�[0m 
test_cube.R...................    8 tests �[0;31m1 fails�[0m 
test_cube.R...................    9 tests �[0;31m1 fails�[0m 
test_cube.R...................   10 tests �[0;31m1 fails�[0m 
test_cube.R...................   11 tests �[0;31m1 fails�[0m 
test_cube.R...................   12 tests �[0;31m1 fails�[0m 
test_cube.R...................   12 tests �[0;31m1 fails�[0m 
test_cube.R...................   12 tests �[0;31m1 fails�[0m 
test_cube.R...................   12 tests �[0;31m1 fails�[0m 
test_cube.R...................   13 tests �[0;31m1 fails�[0m 
test_cube.R...................   14 tests �[0;31m1 fails�[0m 
test_cube.R...................   15 tests �[0;31m1 fails�[0m 
test_cube.R...................   16 tests �[0;31m1 fails�[0m 
test_cube.R...................   17 tests �[0;31m1 fails�[0m 
test_cube.R...................   18 tests �[0;31m2 fails�[0m �[0;34m43.3s�[0m

test_fastLm.R.................    0 tests    
test_fastLm.R.................    0 tests    
test_fastLm.R.................    0 tests    
test_fastLm.R.................    0 tests    
test_fastLm.R.................    0 tests    
test_fastLm.R.................    1 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................    4 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................    5 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................    6 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................    7 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................    8 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................    8 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................    8 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................    8 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................    9 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   10 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   11 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   12 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   12 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   12 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   13 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   14 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   15 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   16 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   16 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   16 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   17 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   18 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   19 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   20 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   20 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   20 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   20 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   21 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   22 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   23 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   24 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   25 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   26 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   27 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   27 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   28 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   29 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   29 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fastLm.R.................   30 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m �[0;34m0.2s�[0m

test_fields.R.................    0 tests    
test_fields.R.................    0 tests    
test_fields.R.................    0 tests    
test_fields.R.................    0 tests    
test_fields.R.................    1 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................    4 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................    5 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................    5 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................    6 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................    6 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................    7 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................    8 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................    8 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................    9 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   10 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   10 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   11 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   12 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   12 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   13 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   14 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   14 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   15 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   16 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   16 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   17 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   18 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   18 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   18 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   19 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   19 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   20 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   20 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   21 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   21 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   22 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   22 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields.R.................   23 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m �[0;34m39.3s�[0m

test_fields_new.R.............    0 tests    
test_fields_new.R.............    0 tests    
test_fields_new.R.............    0 tests    
test_fields_new.R.............    0 tests    
test_fields_new.R.............    1 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............    4 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............    4 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............    5 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............    6 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............    7 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............    8 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............    8 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............    9 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   10 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   11 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   12 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   13 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   13 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   14 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   15 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   16 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   17 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   18 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   18 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   19 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   20 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   21 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   22 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   23 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   23 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   24 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   25 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   26 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   27 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   28 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   29 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   29 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   30 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   30 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   31 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   31 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   32 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   32 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   33 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   33 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   34 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   34 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_fields_new.R.............   35 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m �[0;34m40.9s�[0m

test_misc.R...................    0 tests    
test_misc.R...................    0 tests    
test_misc.R...................    1 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_misc.R...................    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_misc.R...................    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_misc.R...................    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_misc.R...................    4 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_misc.R...................    5 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_misc.R...................    5 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_misc.R...................    5 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_misc.R...................    6 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_misc.R...................    7 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m �[0;36m21ms�[0m

test_rcpparmadillo.R..........    0 tests    
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........    0 tests    
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........    0 tests    
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........    0 tests    
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........    1 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........    4 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........    5 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........    6 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........    7 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........    8 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........    8 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........    8 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........    8 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........    9 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........    9 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........    9 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   10 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   10 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   10 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   10 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   10 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   11 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   11 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   11 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   12 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   12 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   12 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   13 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   13 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   14 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   14 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   15 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   15 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   16 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   16 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   17 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   17 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   17 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   18 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   18 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   19 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   19 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   19 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   19 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   20 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   20 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   20 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   21 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   21 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   21 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   22 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   22 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   22 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   23 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   23 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   23 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   24 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   24 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   24 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   25 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   25 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   25 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   26 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   26 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   26 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   27 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   27 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   27 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   28 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   28 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   28 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   29 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   29 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   29 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   30 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   30 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   30 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   31 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   31 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   31 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   32 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   32 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   32 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   33 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   34 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   35 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   36 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   36 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   37 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   38 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   39 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   40 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   40 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   40 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   40 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   40 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   41 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   42 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   43 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   44 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   45 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rcpparmadillo.R..........   46 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m �[0;34m2.0s�[0m

test_rmultinom.R..............    0 tests    
test_rmultinom.R..............    0 tests    
test_rmultinom.R..............    0 tests    
test_rmultinom.R..............    0 tests    
test_rmultinom.R..............    0 tests    
test_rmultinom.R..............    0 tests    
test_rmultinom.R..............    0 tests    
test_rmultinom.R..............    4 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rmultinom.R..............    9 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m �[0;34m36.1s�[0m

test_rng.R....................    0 tests    
test_rng.R....................    0 tests    
test_rng.R....................    0 tests    
test_rng.R....................    0 tests    
test_rng.R....................    0 tests    
test_rng.R....................    0 tests    
test_rng.R....................    1 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    1 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    1 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    1 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    1 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    4 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    5 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    5 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    5 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    6 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    7 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    7 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    7 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    8 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................    9 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_rng.R....................   10 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m �[0;34m35.4s�[0m

test_sample.R.................    0 tests    
test_sample.R.................    0 tests    
test_sample.R.................    0 tests    
test_sample.R.................    0 tests    
test_sample.R.................    0 tests    
test_sample.R.................    0 tests    
test_sample.R.................    0 tests    
test_sample.R.................    0 tests    
test_sample.R.................    0 tests    
test_sample.R.................    0 tests    
test_sample.R.................    0 tests    
test_sample.R.................    0 tests    
test_sample.R.................    0 tests    
test_sample.R.................    0 tests    
test_sample.R.................    0 tests    
test_sample.R.................   20 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sample.R.................   20 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sample.R.................   20 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sample.R.................   20 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sample.R.................   20 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sample.R.................   20 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sample.R.................   20 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sample.R.................   20 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sample.R.................   21 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m �[0;34m41.2s�[0m

test_scipy2r.R................    0 tests    
test_scipy2r.R................    0 tests    
test_scipy2r.R................    0 tests    
test_scipy2r.R................    0 tests    
test_scipy2r.R................    0 tests    
test_scipy2r.R................    0 tests    
test_scipy2r.R................    0 tests    
test_scipy2r.R................    0 tests    �[0;34m2.9s�[0m [Exited at #43: Module scipy missing]

test_sparse.R.................    0 tests    
test_sparse.R.................    0 tests    
test_sparse.R.................    0 tests    
test_sparse.R.................    0 tests    
test_sparse.R.................    0 tests    
test_sparse.R.................    0 tests    
test_sparse.R.................    0 tests    
test_sparse.R.................    0 tests    
test_sparse.R.................    0 tests    
test_sparse.R.................    1 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    4 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    5 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    6 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    7 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    7 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    7 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    7 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    7 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    7 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    7 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    8 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    8 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    8 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    8 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    8 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    9 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    9 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................    9 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................   10 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................   10 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................   10 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................   11 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................   11 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................   11 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparse.R.................   12 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m �[0;34m51.5s�[0m

test_sparseConversion.R.......    0 tests    
test_sparseConversion.R.......    0 tests    
test_sparseConversion.R.......    0 tests    
test_sparseConversion.R.......    0 tests    
test_sparseConversion.R.......    0 tests    
test_sparseConversion.R.......    0 tests    
test_sparseConversion.R.......    0 tests    
test_sparseConversion.R.......    0 tests    
test_sparseConversion.R.......    0 tests    
test_sparseConversion.R.......    0 tests    
test_sparseConversion.R.......    1 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    1 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    2 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    3 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    4 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    4 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    4 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    4 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    5 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    5 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    5 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    5 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    5 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    6 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    6 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    6 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    7 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    7 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    7 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    8 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    8 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    9 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    9 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    9 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    9 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    9 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......    9 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   10 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   10 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   10 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   10 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   10 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   10 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   11 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   11 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   12 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   12 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   12 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   12 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   12 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   13 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   13 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   14 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   14 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   14 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   15 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   15 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   15 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   16 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   16 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   16 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   16 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   16 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   16 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   17 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   17 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   17 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   18 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   18 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   18 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   18 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   18 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   18 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   19 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   19 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   19 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   20 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   20 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   20 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   21 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   21 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   21 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   22 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   22 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   22 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   22 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   22 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   23 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   23 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   24 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   24 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   24 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   25 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   25 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   25 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   25 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   25 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   25 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   26 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   26 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   26 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   26 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   26 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   27 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   27 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   27 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   28 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   28 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   28 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   28 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   29 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   29 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   29 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   30 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   31 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   31 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   31 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   31 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   32 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   32 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   32 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   33 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   34 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   34 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   34 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   35 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   35 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   35 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   35 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   35 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   35 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   35 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   36 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   36 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   36 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   36 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   36 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   36 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   36 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   37 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   37 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   37 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   37 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   37 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   37 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   37 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   37 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   37 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   38 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   38 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   38 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   38 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   39 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   39 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
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test_sparseConversion.R.......   42 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
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test_sparseConversion.R.......   83 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   83 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   84 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   84 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   84 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   84 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   84 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   85 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m 
test_sparseConversion.R.......   85 tests �[0;32mOK�[0m �[0;34m1.3s�[0m
----- FAILED[data]: test_cube.R<44--45>
 call| expect_equivalent(cx_fcube_test(cplx_cube), (cplx_cube^2), tolerance = critTol)
 diff| Mean relative Mod difference: 1.512537e-07
----- FAILED[data]: test_cube.R<81--82>
 call| expect_equivalent(as_cx_fcube(cplx_cube), (cplx_cube^2), tolerance = critTol)
 diff| Mean relative Mod difference: 1.512537e-07
Error: 2 out of 314 tests failed
Execution halted

Thanks for the bug report. I can certainly lower the comparison epsilon for that machine, or in general. It is a bit surprising that hasn't raised its head before -- this is not new code. Any idea?

I guess that is a somewhat dated platform?

powerpc-apple-darwin10.8.0 (32-bit)

@eddelbuettel this is an old-school mac. powerpc-apple-darwin10.8.0 (32-bit). It's been a long time since I've seen that.

Yes the 32-bit raised an eyebrow, the 10.8 even more. Decade old per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OS_X_Mountain_Lion

No reason for it to fail though.

@eddelbuettel afaik macOS support for R 4.2.0 is official on High Sierra and above. The last supported version of R for PowerPC was v2.7.0 (c.f. Previous releases of R for Mac OS X
. For Mountain Lion, the last official build (on Intel) was R 3.2.1. I think it's fair to say a little bit of imprecision is to be expected at this point.

@barracuda156 Can you paste in str(.Machine) and str(.Plaform) ? My i7 has

> str(.Machine)
List of 29
 $ double.eps               : num 2.22e-16
 $ double.neg.eps           : num 1.11e-16
 $ double.xmin              : num 2.23e-308
 $ double.xmax              : num 1.8e+308
 $ double.base              : int 2
 $ double.digits            : int 53
 $ double.rounding          : int 5
 $ double.guard             : int 0
 $ double.ulp.digits        : int -52
 $ double.neg.ulp.digits    : int -53
 $ double.exponent          : int 11
 $ double.min.exp           : int -1022
 $ double.max.exp           : int 1024
 $ integer.max              : int 2147483647
 $ sizeof.long              : int 8
 $ sizeof.longlong          : int 8
 $ sizeof.longdouble        : int 16
 $ sizeof.pointer           : int 8
 $ sizeof.time_t            : int 8
 $ longdouble.eps           : num 1.08e-19
 $ longdouble.neg.eps       : num 5.42e-20
 $ longdouble.digits        : int 64
 $ longdouble.rounding      : int 5
 $ longdouble.guard         : int 0
 $ longdouble.ulp.digits    : int -63
 $ longdouble.neg.ulp.digits: int -64
 $ longdouble.exponent      : int 15
 $ longdouble.min.exp       : int -16382
 $ longdouble.max.exp       : int 16384
> str(.Platform)
List of 8
 $ OS.type   : chr "unix"
 $ file.sep  : chr "/"
 $ dynlib.ext: chr ".so"
 $ GUI       : chr "X11"
 $ endian    : chr "little"
 $ pkgType   : chr "source"
 $ path.sep  : chr ":"
 $ r_arch    : chr ""

@coatless @eddelbuettel Yes, R upstream does not support older macOS (perhaps no hardware to test), but the latest R works fine on 10.5+, and we support those systems in Macports.

ppc32 also exists on *BSD, Linux and AIX; I think at least several BSDs support it in their latest OS versions (probably some Linux too).

Yeah I am pretty sure we still build / used to build on these machines to. My current grid is https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=r-cran-rcpparmadillo and looks pretty green:


But I as maintainer made an executive decision here that is different from many of my fellow Debian maintainers and I do not run CI on these as I find CRAN sufficiently paranoid. So if any one of those machines had a funky 12 1/2 bit FPU I would not know ... based on the CRAN packages alone. The R package itself of course runs the equivalent of configure; make; make check; make install (with a bazillion more options of course).

@eddelbuettel Here is what I got on a PowerMac (native ppc32):

sergey-fedorovs-power-mac-g5:~ svacchanda$ R

R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31) -- "Innocent and Trusting"
Copyright (C) 2022 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: powerpc-apple-darwin10.0.0d2 (32-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

  Natural language support but running in an English locale

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

> str(.Machine)
List of 28
 $ double.eps               : num 2.22e-16
 $ double.neg.eps           : num 1.11e-16
 $ double.xmin              : num 2.23e-308
 $ double.xmax              : num 1.8e+308
 $ double.base              : int 2
 $ double.digits            : int 53
 $ double.rounding          : int 5
 $ double.guard             : int 0
 $ double.ulp.digits        : int -52
 $ double.neg.ulp.digits    : int -53
 $ double.exponent          : int 11
 $ double.min.exp           : int -1022
 $ double.max.exp           : int 1024
 $ integer.max              : int 2147483647
 $ sizeof.long              : int 4
 $ sizeof.longlong          : int 8
 $ sizeof.longdouble        : int 16
 $ sizeof.pointer           : int 4
 $ longdouble.eps           : num 6.95e-310
 $ longdouble.neg.eps       : num 6.95e-310
 $ longdouble.digits        : int 1024
 $ longdouble.rounding      : int 4
 $ longdouble.guard         : int 0
 $ longdouble.ulp.digits    : int -1027
 $ longdouble.neg.ulp.digits: int -1027
 $ longdouble.exponent      : int 7
 $ longdouble.min.exp       : int -47
 $ longdouble.max.exp       : int -943
> str(.Platform)
List of 8
 $ OS.type   : chr "unix"
 $ file.sep  : chr "/"
 $ dynlib.ext: chr ".so"
 $ GUI       : chr "X11"
 $ endian    : chr "big"
 $ pkgType   : chr "source"
 $ path.sep  : chr ":"
 $ r_arch    : chr ""

@eddelbuettel And this in Rosetta (10.6.8 with building for ppc):

macmini:~ svacchanda$ R

R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31) -- "Innocent and Trusting"
Copyright (C) 2022 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: powerpc-apple-darwin10.8.0 (32-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

  Natural language support but running in an English locale

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

> str(.Machine)
List of 28
 $ double.eps               : num 2.22e-16
 $ double.neg.eps           : num 1.11e-16
 $ double.xmin              : num 2.23e-308
 $ double.xmax              : num 1.8e+308
 $ double.base              : int 2
 $ double.digits            : int 53
 $ double.rounding          : int 5
 $ double.guard             : int 0
 $ double.ulp.digits        : int -52
 $ double.neg.ulp.digits    : int -53
 $ double.exponent          : int 11
 $ double.min.exp           : int -1022
 $ double.max.exp           : int 1024
 $ integer.max              : int 2147483647
 $ sizeof.long              : int 4
 $ sizeof.longlong          : int 8
 $ sizeof.longdouble        : int 16
 $ sizeof.pointer           : int 4
 $ longdouble.eps           : num 6.95e-310
 $ longdouble.neg.eps       : num 6.95e-310
 $ longdouble.digits        : int 1024
 $ longdouble.rounding      : int 4
 $ longdouble.guard         : int 0
 $ longdouble.ulp.digits    : int -1027
 $ longdouble.neg.ulp.digits: int -1027
 $ longdouble.exponent      : int 7
 $ longdouble.min.exp       : int -47
 $ longdouble.max.exp       : int -943
> str(.Platform)
List of 8
 $ OS.type   : chr "unix"
 $ file.sep  : chr "/"
 $ dynlib.ext: chr ".so"
 $ GUI       : chr "X11"
 $ endian    : chr "big"
 $ pkgType   : chr "source"
 $ path.sep  : chr ":"
 $ r_arch    : chr ""

Well, looks identical, but just for the record. (I test on both systems. 10.5.8 only occasionally.)

Hm. Only difference is the shorter long and pointer at four bytes.

Hm. Only difference is the shorter long and pointer at four bytes.

Perhaps irrelevant to the case, but other difference is that on ppc32 bool is 4 bytes.

@eddelbuettel If I can assist in any way to find a fix for this, please let me know. RcppArmadillo is an important port and a dependency for some other very important ones.

As your log showed, this failed in two tests in one file, both using a particular equality threshold. If we look even more closely we see that that threshold is already lowere for Windoze so maybe we just need to reflect your situation.

Please try this diff:

modified   inst/tinytest/test_cube.R
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ library(RcppArmadillo)
 .onWindows <- .Platform$OS.type == "windows"
-critTol <- if (.onWindows) 1.0e-6 else 1.5e-7
+critTol <- if (.onWindows || .Machine$sizeof.long == 4) 1.0e-6 else 1.5e-7
 ## test arrays
 dbl_cube <- array(1.5:27.5, rep(3, 3))

@eddelbuettel Thank you! I have an update: it seems that my fix to malloc problem resulted in better tests:

--->  Testing R-RcppArmadillo
* using log directory ‘/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_R_R-RcppArmadillo/R-RcppArmadillo/work/RcppArmadillo/RcppArmadillo.Rcheck’
* using R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31)
* using platform: powerpc-apple-darwin10.0.0d2 (32-bit)
* using session charset: UTF-8
* checking for file ‘RcppArmadillo/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
* checking extension type ... Package
* this is package ‘RcppArmadillo’ version ‘’
* checking package namespace information ... OK
* checking package dependencies ... OK
* checking if this is a source package ... OK
* checking if there is a namespace ... OK
* checking for executable files ... OK
* checking for hidden files and directories ... OK
* checking for portable file names ... OK
* checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK
* checking whether package ‘RcppArmadillo’ can be installed ... OK
* checking installed package size ... NOTE
  installed size is  7.3Mb
  sub-directories of 1Mb or more:
    include   6.4Mb
* checking package directory ... OK
* checking ‘build’ directory ... OK
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking top-level files ... OK
* checking for left-over files ... OK
* checking index information ... OK
* checking package subdirectories ... OK
* checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking dependencies in R code ... OK
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK
* checking replacement functions ... OK
* checking foreign function calls ... OK
* checking R code for possible problems ... OK
* checking Rd files ... OK
* checking Rd metadata ... OK
* checking Rd cross-references ... OK
* checking for missing documentation entries ... OK
* checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK
* checking Rd \usage sections ... OK
* checking Rd contents ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK
* checking line endings in shell scripts ... OK
* checking line endings in C/C++/Fortran sources/headers ... OK
* checking line endings in Makefiles ... OK
* checking compilation flags in Makevars ... OK
* checking for GNU extensions in Makefiles ... OK
* checking for portable use of $(BLAS_LIBS) and $(LAPACK_LIBS) ... OK
* checking use of PKG_*FLAGS in Makefiles ... OK
* checking compiled code ... OK
* checking installed files from ‘inst/doc’ ... OK
* checking files in ‘vignettes’ ... OK
* checking examples ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in ‘tests’ ... OK
* checking tests ...
  Running ‘tinytest.R’
* checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK
* checking package vignettes in ‘inst/doc’ ... OK
* checking running R code from vignettes ...
  ‘RcppArmadillo-intro.Rnw’ using ‘UTF-8’... OK
  ‘RcppArmadillo-sparseMatrix.Rnw’ using ‘UTF-8’... OK
* checking re-building of vignette outputs ... OK
* checking PDF version of manual ... OK

Status: 1 NOTE

All ok, 314 results (7m 37.2s)

Just to be explicit you did NOT change the sensitivity of the two previous tests which now pass after you took care of malloc() (which had also produced considerable noise before) ?

If so congrats but please close this. Seems like there never was an issue.

@eddelbuettel Yes, I ran tests prior to changing anything, and they pass now. Thank you for your help!

nanotime next?

As your log showed, this failed in two tests in one file, both using a particular equality threshold. If we look even more closely we see that that threshold is already lowere for Windoze so maybe we just need to reflect your situation.

Please try this diff:

modified   inst/tinytest/test_cube.R
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ library(RcppArmadillo)
 .onWindows <- .Platform$OS.type == "windows"
-critTol <- if (.onWindows) 1.0e-6 else 1.5e-7
+critTol <- if (.onWindows || .Machine$sizeof.long == 4) 1.0e-6 else 1.5e-7
 ## test arrays
 dbl_cube <- array(1.5:27.5, rep(3, 3))


Same exacly error on FreeBSD fixed with a dirty change:

--- inst/tinytest/test_cube.R.orig      2023-02-19 18:01:50 UTC
+++ inst/tinytest/test_cube.R
@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ Rcpp::sourceCpp("cpp/cube.cpp")


-.onWindows <- .Platform$OS.type == "windows"
-critTol <- if (.onWindows) 1.0e-6 else 1.5e-7
+#.onWindows <- .Platform$OS.type == "windows"
+#critTol <- if (.onWindows || .Machine$sizeof.long == 4) 1.0e-6 else 1.5e-7
+critTol <- 1.0e-6

 ## test arrays
 dbl_cube <- array(1.5:27.5, rep(3, 3))

Is there a better way to fix?

R on FreeBSD reports:

> .Machine$sizeof.long
[1] 8


You may be able to use Sys.info()[["machine"]] instead.

> Sys.info()[["machine"]]
[1] "amd64"

Something like:

critTol <- if (.onWindows || Sys.info()[["machine"]] == "amd64") 1.0e-6 else 1.5e-7?

Maybe utils::osVersion ? In any event, you may want to keep a local patch file around if your behavior differs. This is first and foremost a CRAN package and we are good there under all tests including 'long double' and whatnot. Your error may also come from your BLAS/LAPACK side (I have not looked at the test in a while).

Ok, understand it.

I'm maintaining FreeBSD port https://www.freshports.org/math/R-cran-RcppArmadillo/ and this is the first time that I'm using tests.

I will need to patch wisely since port is builded in: aarch64, amd64, armv6, armv7, i386, powerpc, powerpc64 and powerpc64le arches.

And I am of course in favour of ports, and tests. But "sometimes things differ" and it may just be best to keep a local directory patches/ and for-loop over them to adjust against upstream. We do the same in Debian (where I have been a maintainer for coming up on 30 years ...).

Your "wise patch" would be appreciated because what had been suggested so far is a global change for all builds everywhere all the time which is surely a little more far-reaching and why I hesitate which I hope you understand.

@nunotexbsd If you come up with an upstreamable patch, please make it OS-agnostic, since we would want this to work correctly on other systems which run on ppc as well (Darwin, OpenBSD, NetBSD).

Ok, I will make tests on amd64/i386 aarch64/armv7 for a start.
I will share my patch progression soon(TM).


On my systems I've noted that long is:

amd64   .Machine$sizeof.long == 8
i386    .Machine$sizeof.long == 4
aarch64 .Machine$sizeof.long == 8
armv7   .Machine$sizeof.long == 4

amd64/aarch64: Tier 1
i386/armv7: Tier 2

and according to https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/zMachine.html:

the number of bytes in a C ‘⁠long⁠’ type: 4 or 8 (most 64-bit systems, but not Windows).

Anyway, I decided to commit port update with patch as a start:

.onWindows <- .Platform$OS.type == "windows"
-critTol <- if (.onWindows) 1.0e-6 else 1.5e-7
+critTol <- if (.onWindows || .Machine$sizeof.long == 4 || .Machine$sizeof.long == 8) 1.0e-6 else 1.5e-7

to match FreeBSD arches and fix tests.
( https://cgit.freebsd.org/ports/commit/?id=89e4a1f2c1d1997b8414e2e648c7b4b7c829b63e )

It was nice that a global check is done here to all supported systems but it is ok too to fix it with patch in our ports.

Open to sugestions :)


The || between 4 and 8 means that just about every machine will now have the lowered threshold. Not something I would distribute to all users of RcppArmadillo but if that is what you think you need to do I am glad you have closure.

You could alternatively also just document that a test is behaving differently and skip it (via the patch). I do that sometimes for projects and specific settings.

@nunotexbsd If the fix is not meant for the upstream, you could just apply the patch to the threshold conditionally on the arch.


In case upstream would fix it globally, patch provided is to indicate that FreeBSD is fixed that way.
We could use condition based on OS name like "FreeBSD". I don't know what are the values for other OSes.


In case upstream would fix it globally, patch provided is to indicate that FreeBSD is fixed that way. We could use condition based on OS name like "FreeBSD". I don't know what are the values for other OSes.

If by condition you mean in the source code, then for macOS it is __APPLE__, and specifically for PowerPC 32-bit it is __ppc__ (spelled exactly this way).

So, for example, to have a specific code for ppc32 on macOS, this can be used:

#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__ppc__)
. . .

I do not know what conditions are used in FreeBSD makefiles in ports.

@nunotexbsd One well-known repo for #define statements is https://sourceforge.net/p/predef/wiki/Home/ -- and under https://sourceforge.net/p/predef/wiki/OperatingSystems/ it has entries for the BSD group and FreeBSD.