Rayferrufino / Blue-Team

Logs: Splunk, AlienVault, Backstory IDS:Snort, BroIDS Vuln Scanners: Nessus, OpenVass Paket analizer: wireshark, tcpdump, Zenmap, Angrybird network monitor tool: Solarwinds, PRTG, NATGIOS, CACTI . Logging and Monitoring. HIDS. Application Security. User Access. Authentication controls for automated tasks.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NIST Blue-Team Notes


Confidentialy: ensures that unauthorized indiv are not able to gain access to sensitive info

Integrity: ensures that there are not unathorized modifications to info or systems

Availbility: ensures that info and systems are ready to meet the needs of legitimate users

Vulnerability: is a weakness in a device, system , app or proccess that might allow an attack to take place

Threat: Outside force that may exploit a vulnerability

Risk: is the combination of a threat and a corresponding vuln. both of this factors must be present before a situation pose a risk!

Risk= Threat X Vuln


  1. Identify threat sources and events
  2. Identify Vuln and predisposing conditions
  3. Determinate likelihood of Occurence
  4. Determinate Magnitude of Impact
  5. Determinate Risk

Identify Threats:

  • APT
  • Accidental Threats
  • Structural Thteats
  • Environmental Threats

Determinate Likelihood, Impact and Risk:

  • Low, medium, high
  • Risk acceptance, risk transference, risk avoidence
  • Network Acces Control (NAC) uses 802.1x protocol
  • Supplicant= request and authenticator= on network switch or AP, use RADIUS


  • NAC criterias: Role, Location, Time of Day, System Health


  • Firewall: triple-homed means ONE firewall connects 3 networks

  • Type of Firewals:

    • Packet filtering: check each packet againts firewall rules
    • Statuful Inspection: Check packets and retain info about each state of passing connections
    • NGFWs: packet check + state info + contextual imformation
    • WAFs: Protec againts SQLinjection and CXSS scripting

DNS SINKHOLES: feed false info to malicious software that had compromised the network.


  • Planing: timing, scope, Authorization,
  • Discovery: Port scans, checking public material, web app testers
  • Attack: Gaining access, Escalating Priv, System Brownsing, Install additional tools
  • Reporting

Reverse Engineering: Decomposition

Isolation and Sanboxing: Sanboxing systems/solutions search systems and network for unknown code or strange behavior flagged as code detonation and sandbox it

Fingerprint Software: use of hash prevent code tampering

Active Recon: Uses host scanning tools to gather info about systems, services ,and vuln. Mapping network and discovering topology NMAP:

  • Service and Version: banner grabbing (nmap -sV).
  • OS Fingerprinting: nmap -O
  • Nmap TCP SYN: most popular type of scan method. quick and unobtrusive

Passive Recon:

  • Network-Logs
  • Netflow: is a cisco protocol that collects IP traffic infonetowkr monitoring.
  • Netstat: gather local host network info.
  • DHCP-logs and DHCP Server Configuration: quick way to identify the number of host in the network.
  • Firewall-logs: for ACL
  • System-logs: linux var/log

Windows log types:

  • Aplication logs........event logs ofr programs
  • Security logs..........login events, resources and right usage
  • Setup logs.............capture setup apps
  • System logs............loged events by windows components
  • ForwardEvent logs......events for remote pc's

Harvesting Data from WHOIS

IP to human readable NSLOOKUP

Traceroute: usuful for mapping the external network of a company

Domain names are managed by REGISTRARS....TDL:Top level domain.....ccTLD...country top level domain

DIG: useful for querying a DNS server

ZONE TRANSFERS: used for replicating DNS databases between DNS servers.Ex host -t axfr domain.name dns-server.

Exif data: tag data from photos Metadata scrubbing: sensitive metadata like geolocation,timestamp creator of file

SOCIAL ENGINEERING creepy: geolocation tool that uses social media and file metadata Social Enginerring toolkit Metasploit


NETWORK TRAFFIC ANALYSIS: Using IDS, HIDSs and NIDSs you can perform:

  • Packet analysis
  • Protocol Analysis
  • Traffic and Flow analysis
  • Device and System logs
  • SIEM
  • Security Device Log


Anomaly Analysis: Look for differences on common patterns or expected behaviors. System Admin set what is normal to build the threat model that IDS will use

Trend Analysis: Focus on predicting behaviors base on current data.

Signature Analysis: uses a fingerprint or signature to detec threats based on other events. the signature has to exist first before it can be detected

Heuristic/Behavior Analysis: detects threats based on their behavior. heuristic detection can detect unknown threats

Manual Analysis: human expertise and instinc can be useful when analyzing data.

Preventing Passive Info Gathering:

  • Blacklisting systems or networks that abuse service
  • Using CAPTCHAs to prevent bots
  • Implementing rate limit to fight lookups at high speed
  • Hide zone transfer info.

Regulatory Environments


Regulates the way that healthcare providers, insurance companies and their bussiness handle protected health info.


Regulates how financial institutions may handle customer financial records.

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)

Regulates how companies handle credit card transactions and security controls.

  • Company must run internal and external vuln scans.
  • Scans must be run at least on a quaterly basis and after any significant change in the network.
  • Internal scans must be run by qualified personnel.
  • External scans must be run by an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV)


Requires goverment agencies and goverment contractors to comply with a series of security standards.

FIPS 199 Standard


NIST 800-53 Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations

NIST 800-53 Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations
A. Scans for vuln in the info system and hosted applications
B. Employs vuln scanning tools and techniques that facilitate interoperability among tools and automate parts of the vuln management proccess
C. Analyze vuln scan reports and results from security control assessments
D. Remediates legitimate vuln in accordance with an organizational assessment of risk
E. Shares information obtained from the vuln scanning proccess and security control assesssments to hel eliminate similar vuln in other systems

Scan Frequency

Risk Appetite:

Willingness to tolerate risk within the environment.

Regulatory requirements:

PCI DSS or FISMA may indicate a minimun frequency for vuln scans

Technical Constraints:

may limit the frequency of scanning.Ex scannings can only be done for a certain amount per day.

Business Constraints :

may limit the organization from conducting resource intense scans during periods of high business activity to avoid disruption of critical proccess|

License limitations:

may curtail bandwidth consumed by the scanner.

Scoping Vulnerability Scans

What systems and networks will be included in the scan ?

Waht technical measures will be used to test wether systems are present on the network?

What test will be performed againts systems discovered by a vulnerability scan?


Logs: Splunk, AlienVault, Backstory IDS:Snort, BroIDS Vuln Scanners: Nessus, OpenVass Paket analizer: wireshark, tcpdump, Zenmap, Angrybird network monitor tool: Solarwinds, PRTG, NATGIOS, CACTI . Logging and Monitoring. HIDS. Application Security. User Access. Authentication controls for automated tasks.