Raruto / leaflet-elevation

Leaflet plugin that allows to add elevation profiles using d3js

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Change decimal and thousands separator

FabianSchmick opened this issue · comments

Subject of the issue

In the Chart, the decimal (.) and thousands separator (,) follow the norm for most English-speaking countries. But there are many countries in the world where this is swapped. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_separator#Conventions_worldwide

Expected behaviour

Define the decimal and thousands separator as an option for L.control.elevation or look for L.setLocale('de'); in the leaflet-elevation code for the current ones.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-09-04 um 09 23 09

Actual behaviour

Bildschirmfoto 2023-09-04 um 09 22 01

Hi Fabian,

if i'm not mistaken it's the user's browser that chooses the preferred number convention.

Here the affected portions of code:

tooltip: {
name: 'y',
chart: (item) => L._("y: ") + _.round(item[opts.yAttr], opts.decimalsY) + " " + altitude.label,
marker: (item) => _.round(item[opts.yAttr], opts.decimalsY) + " " + altitude.label,
order: 10,

tooltip: opts.distance && {
name: 'x',
chart: (item) => L._("x: ") + _.round(item[opts.xAttr], opts.decimalsX) + " " + distance.label,
order: 20

* Limit floating point precision
export const round = L.Util.formatNum;

👋 Raruto

I think for the tooltip, we need to add .toLocaleString(), then the browser can choose the preferred number convention. (But this function call does not exist yet)

tooltip: {
	chart: (item) => L._("y: ") + _.round(item[opts.yAttr], opts.decimalsY).toLocaleString() + " " + altitude.label,
	marker: (item) => _.round(item[opts.yAttr], opts.decimalsY).toLocaleString() + " " + altitude.label,

But for the y-axis I don't know. Maybe this is more complex as this is dynamic.

I found the solution for the y-axis. In the d3-docs you can use the following method-call do define the separators:

import * as L from 'leaflet';
import * as d3 from 'd3';
global.d3 = d3;
import '@raruto/leaflet-elevation/dist/leaflet-elevation';

    "decimal": ",",
    "thousands": ".",
    "grouping": [3],
    "currency": ["", "\u00a0€"]

@FabianSchmick ref: #271 (comment)

this function call does not exist yet

In such cases you can write your own custom handlers (starting from the default ones)

Below is a fairly detailed example:

handlers: [ // <-- A list of: Dynamic imports || "ClassName" || function Name() { return { /* a custom object definition */ } }
'Distance', // <-- same as: import("../src/handlers/distance.js")
'Time', // <-- same as: import("../src/handlers/time.js")
'Altitude', // <-- same as: import("../src/handlers/altitude.js")
'Slope', // <-- same as: import("../src/handlers/slope.js")
'Speed', // <-- same as: import("../src/handlers/speed.js")
'Acceleration', // <-- same as: import("../src/handlers/acceleration.js")
// 'Pace', // <-- same as: import("../src/handlers/pace.js")
// "Heart", // <-- same as: import("../src/handlers/heart.js")
// "Cadence", // <-- same as: import("../src/handlers/cadence.js")
// import('../src/handlers/heart.js'),
// import('../src/handlers/pace.js'),
L.Control.Elevation.MyHeart, // <-- see custom functions declared above
// L.Control.Elevation.MyCadence, // <-- see custom functions declared above
L.Control.Elevation.MyPace, // <-- see custom functions declared above

If you think you have a relatively simple solution to set up, feel free to pitch a PR to that effect.

I'll close here for now.

👋 Raruto