Raruto / leaflet-elevation

Leaflet plugin that allows to add elevation profiles using d3js

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How to add the Download button to a gpxGroup map

marcoA152 opened this issue · comments

Hallo. I'm sorry to bother you but I struggling with this (my) issue: I'm trying to add a Download button to a multiple .gpx tracks map from your examples.
On single gpx file map the button is shown but on multiple gpx map is not present. There is a way to add it?

Thanks in advance


Hi Marco,

probably when using the L.GpxGroup class the following variable is not setted:

this._downloadURL = url; // see: leaflet-elevation/src/control.js#741

Take a look at this other #160 (comment) to start monkey patching that class as you wish (aka L.Class.include()).

👋 Raruto


_loadGeoJSON: function(geojson, fallbackName) {
if (geojson) {
geojson.name = geojson.name || (geojson[0] && geojson[0].properties.name) || fallbackName;


if (this.options.downloadLink && this._downloadURL) { // TODO: generate dynamically file content instead of using static file urls.
this._summary._container.innerHTML += '<span class="download"><a href="#">' + L._('Download') + '</a></span>'
_.select('.download a', this._summary._container).onclick = (e) => {
let event = { downloadLink: this.options.downloadLink, confirm: _.saveFile.bind(this, this._downloadURL) };
if (this.options.downloadLink == 'modal' && typeof CustomEvent === "function") {
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("eletrack_download", { detail: event }));
} else if (this.options.downloadLink == 'link' || this.options.downloadLink === true) {
this.fire('eletrack_download', event);

_loadFile(url) {
.then((response) => response.text())
.then((data) => {
this._downloadURL = url; // TODO: handle multiple urls?
.then( geojson => geojson && this._loadLayer(geojson));
}).catch((err) => console.warn(err));

Thank you i will try the way you have suggested, but but probably the fastest (and dirt) thing to do is to put a direct anchor to the gpx files under the "elevation-div"

Thanks for your work and for this amazing plugin!