Ramotion / folding-cell-android

:octocat: 📃 FoldingCell is a material design expanding content cell inspired by folding paper material made by @Ramotion

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folding cell in CardView with elevation and radius corner

faezsghfi opened this issue · comments

Hi, I have a RecyclerView in my activity. I used folding-cell library to expand each CardView. but because my CardView has elevation and cardCornerRadius it gets ugly. because when it wants to unfold list_item_feed_expand first it doesn't have radius corner and shadow and when animation get completed it gets shadow and corner. it is the same for folding. it first removes radius corner and shadow and then it fold it
can you tell me how to correct this? is there anyway to solve it?

Hi, I have tried to put it into a cardView too, but it is ugly. Most of all, the flip effect is not as beautiful (flipping edges are lost in cardView width). No tweaking helped. Not even adding a rounded background scheme to the FoldingCell, as this also affected the flip animation.

It would be awesome to add cardView "support" by permitting proper elevation and rounded corners ;)

PS: Thanks for this awesome library!

I have managed to do something quite satisfying:
I have added a 'rounded corners' background to both the title view and the content view. This solved the UI problems when adding this BG to the FoldingCell itself.

My drawable:

    android:color="#FFFFFF" >

    android:color="#FFFFFF" >

    android:bottom="5dp"    >

    android:radius="4dp"   >


Did you get a good rounding result?

Did you get a good rounding result?

Yes, it was good!


I also rounded the edges using shape and corners. But for a moment, the rounding disappear when unfolding and folding. Have you been able to solve this?

Video https://yadi.sk/i/TvU2ttTHJdzfpg

Maybe I didn't see this, because our background is white. In any case, I didn't feel having this issue and I cannot test the shown app.

Thanks for the support!